Extreme Measures notes Bashir gets the opening log. Odo is still super sick with the changeling sickness. Good to establish the stakes right away Odo wants to know exactly how much time he has left. Odo is being all noble in character and wanting Kiri to go fight the rebellion without him Nice that he admits that he just doesn’t want her to watch him die. And a little selfless of him. Also, nice callback to Barreil Odo: I don’t want the last thing I see to be pain in your eyes. This is skirting melodrama in a sappy way, but they get away with it The Breen weapon is still a thing going on in the background Way to play subtle, Julian. Genocide is an extreme measure Miles has decided to come clean with their plan to dupe section 31 to come to them and that the federation created the disease They’re filling the audience in on the whole lure section 31 plot already set up and bringing everybody up to speed so that the...
Hi, I'm Mikey. I review TV for Douxreviews.com. What follows are the notes I take of any given episode of television, on the off chance that they'll be of any interest to anybody at some point. The following will absolutely contain typos, misspellings, and lots of inadvertent homonyms. They were typed on the fly while TV was happening. So, in case you ever read one of my reviews and wondered - here's what Mikey was thinking...