The Star Beast notes David Tennants hair is very tall. I don’t love the ‘Once upon a time’ opening narrative. Still, I suppose they had to catch people up somehow ***I think the story hasn’t ended yet. I preferred the Chibnall era theme song We’ve been in this alley many times before. Yay Rachel Talalay! Why is he just wandering around smiling at people? Of course he immediately runs into Donna. There’d better be an explanation for these coincidences Fun illustration of how Donna misses everything Donna: A word of advice. You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of thirty five. And no further. Shaun Temple has aged. The Doctor: Grand Master of the Knowledge. Shaun: That says Grand Mistress. The Doctor: Oh, catch up! Callback to Nerys Yeah, the whole lottery thing was a big question 166 million. Wow. Should UNIT be kidnapping journalists on air? I suppose they would use Hazmat protocols. S...
Hi, I'm Mikey. I review TV for What follows are the notes I take of any given episode of television, on the off chance that they'll be of any interest to anybody at some point. The following will absolutely contain typos, misspellings, and lots of inadvertent homonyms. They were typed on the fly while TV was happening. So, in case you ever read one of my reviews and wondered - here's what Mikey was thinking...