Tears of the wrath bearing tree notes
Eggs with two yolks always freak me out
What’s with the boxer walking in and out?
Bilquis needs to find ‘the other’ and convince him he isn’t
They’re really lening into the fluid in slow motion shots.
OK, the wax forming the US was cool. And a nice visual to introduce the concept of
the exact center of the US
So who is Shadow’s other?
Laura? TB? Wednesday?
We saw all three of them
Shadow jiust claimed the ravens as his own.
That was a pretty tenuous description for him to recognize
Laura from, but then he did know she was headed to kill Wednesday
**** One shock at a
He’s still Crispin Glover.
I thought he was only supposed to be in one episode this season. I wonder what the real reason for the casting
changes was
How did he convince Laura to go the the Gods place?
World very carefully told Laura that Shadow was there and
then played every reverse psychology suggestion he could on her
Hotel Woman: Cletus,
our dishwasher, thinks they’re the illuminati.
Back in episode one they established that Shadow was
responsible for sitting the vigil we’re finally getting to.
Bilquis is tracking Shadow and has made it as far as the
empty apartments in Lakeside. Where she
stops to again commune with the peacock.
Czernobog having sex with the hotel woman was amusingluy
unexpected. His hammer on the bed was a
little on the nose.
Shadows dreaming about in cinemascope about Wednesday and
those African Gods
Of course Laura came out in the dining room where the body
is just before Shadow got there.
Cordelia: He could be
a bastard, but he was a good boss.
Shadow: He was a
selfish dick.
Cordelia: He cared
about you too, you know
Shadow: He showed it
by murdering my wife?
Cordelia: That puta
with the spear? She seemed pretty
goddamn alive to me.
Shadow: Yeah. She’s
the stubborn type.
So Shadow is now honor bound to avenge Wednesday’s death by
killing Laura, and she heard about it in the worst possible way.
So World wants it to appear that he’s betraying Laura and
handing her over to the old gods.
All so he can convince the old gods to start the war while
maintaining the illusion that he’s trying to avoid it
SHARD will be in completion before the war starts. Nobody cares about SHARD
Shadow thinks he’s taking over as leader from Wednesday. So
he thinks he’s a god now?
So they just immediately dropped the potentially interesting
‘Shadow has to kill Laura now’ plotline.
They did a good job lighting the motel so that everything
feels sickly
What does Laura seeing Shadow impaled by the spear
mean? Does she feel like her actions
have also killed him?
I think Laura’s kissed Bilquis more than Shadow at this
So Laura is the other bilquis was sent to look for?
Ygrdrassil has gotten bigger than the one in Cairo last
Good music this episode.
The Norns are much less sexy than the MCU ones
Norns: We must
Cordelia: Please tell
me there’s not a gimp involved.
Mr. Ibis: I don’t
want to stipulate to that. This is my first vigil.
Damn Ricky Whittle is big.
And cut.
Meanwhile, we’re finally getting back to TB. He’s apparently been buzz-sawing through
World’s drones and is eating raw data.
He’s found out that artifact one is in the sub basement of this
Hey, he’s supposed to be naked on the tree!
Man it looks cold out there.
He’s not getting tied to the tree so much as being molested
by it.
Nice montage visualizing how all technological advancement
has followed on from fire. The first
artifact – the flint that made the first fire.
So TB isn’t the youngest of the new gods, hes ‘Innovation’
which makes him the bridge between old and an new gods. He;s born anew with every new technological
World whistles requiem for Baldur to identify himself. Cute.
But they didn’t remind us of the name of the song in the previously on
and if you don’t remember that the moment is meaningless.
Did he really make it snow again or is it just part of the
And back to cinemascope to see those same plantation slaves
And now Ygdrassil is actively impaling him. That hardly seems fair.
Shadow is really talking to Wednesday somewhere in between
life and death. Try the cashews.
So this is last temptation of Shadow Moon? Wednesday couldn’t make him love him, so he
baited him to try to achieve power.
How long was he actually on the tree before this last scene?
Odin’s body just vanished and Shadow was eaten by a
tree. End show.
So SHARD never really did come to anything
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