Evil Patrol notes Start with a flashback of when they were happy and friends in 1917. We’re seeing them put together the dance that Laura found herself doing after the first clues. That’s nice structure, AND it underpins the emotional themes. Laura: That said, I will not be turning into a cat. I will be turning into a bird. Rita: A bird! Why? Shelly: Because I’m allergic to cats. Laura: Shelly’s allergic to cats Shelly: I can’t be near them. Laura: And neither of us could be fucked changing the title. *** Those weren’t lies. They were just truths that changed over time. Rita shaking her head no while she says she understands is adorable So heartbreaking, going from the joy of them planning their dances to their present hatred Where did the Sisterhood go at this point Is Rita right? Did Laura never care about art Madame Rouge just wants everything to be declared over Rita hid the time machine Ah, both of t...
Hi, I'm Mikey. I review TV for Douxreviews.com. What follows are the notes I take of any given episode of television, on the off chance that they'll be of any interest to anybody at some point. The following will absolutely contain typos, misspellings, and lots of inadvertent homonyms. They were typed on the fly while TV was happening. So, in case you ever read one of my reviews and wondered - here's what Mikey was thinking...