Evil Patrol notes
Start with a flashback of when they were happy and friends in 1917. We’re seeing them put together the dance that Laura found herself doing after the first clues. That’s nice structure, AND it underpins the emotional themes.
Laura: That said, I will not be turning into a cat. I will be turning into a bird.
Rita: A bird! Why?
Shelly: Because I’m allergic to cats.
Laura: Shelly’s allergic to cats
Shelly: I can’t be near them.
Laura: And neither of us could be fucked changing the title.
*** Those weren’t lies. They were just truths that changed over time.
Rita shaking her head no while she says she understands is adorable
So heartbreaking, going from the joy of them planning their dances to their present hatred
Where did the Sisterhood go at this point
Is Rita right? Did Laura never care about art
Madame Rouge just wants everything to be declared over
Rita hid the time machine
Ah, both of them finally have their full memories again
Madame Rouge wants to rejoin the brotherhood of evil. Makes sense, it’s the only ‘place’ she has to go.
Rita’s arc is much more supervillain than hero. She wants to murder Madame Rouge just for revenge
It’s a little awkward the way that Mme Rouge has to tell us she has her memory back
Yeah, it’s hard to attack someone who can turn into a bird.
Larry with his baby-larva
Larry: When you’re raising a space parasite, are you ever really ready?
The wrongness of keeg-a-boo underscores Larry being out of sync
They did a better than usual job of fooling me into not knowing that this is a dream sequence. When Cliff turns on him it’s chilling
The larva senses Larry’s emotions. So is the previous negative spirit just gone forever now? Maybe they’re finally building up to Rebis!
Holy crap, Joivan Wade is ripped af
Silas isn’t wrong about Vic just throwing away his powers.
Silas just confirmed that the flagellation did indeed happen to everyone in the world. Interesting. I wonder if we’ll ever see any fallout from that?
Reminiscing about all the times you’ve been in the hospital is a weird conversational tack to take.
Silas: There are wings of that building that will be named after me. And in less than a millisecond, everything I had earned meant absolutely nothing.
I really like the way they’re talking about race issues this season.
They’re actually selling me on Silas’ justifications for turning Vic into Cyborg.
Vic: That might be your answer. But that is not the solution.
This is a very generational debate about the American black experience. Silas and Vic both have totally valid viewpoints.
Meanwhile, in the underground, all of the other alters are gone and Kay is glad they’re gone. Interesting.
I wonder how any of this tracks with actual DID. Is this Kay recovering? Does the metaphor track at all?
What’s lurking in the shadows in the underground
How did Mme Rouge learn that Brain and Mallah were living in this retirement community
OMG, everything about Mme Rouge talking to the speaker. LOVE the little sun umbrella.
She actually explains the time travelling quite well, considering.
Makes sense that Mallah would have totally forgotten her by now
Mallah: Your absurd and overly complicated problems are not welcome here.
Brain’s ego makes him let Laura in. That’s very funny
Oh, this is the first time we’ve really seen Cliff, isn’t it
Cliff has no time for Vic’s upgrade and disapproves.
Rita’s back at making flip charts for mission prep. And only Kay is attending, who doesn’t have powers.
OMG, Rita’s phony pleasentries to Kay when she finds out that the other personas are gone. Priceless.
And Rita is also not happy Vic lost his powers.
Cliff’s right, why did Vic come back?
Rita’s offended that Cliff said she hadn’t changed
Cliff: Kay? Holy shit, has everyone fixed their shit??
Only Rita and Cliff have powers now.
We’re about to find out where Rita was leading them last episode
Does the Brain really remember Madame Rouge?
Brain enthusiastically loving Boca Raton is absolutely delightful
I love how passive aggressive douchey Mallah is
Brain doesn’t believe that Madame Rouge had amnesia
Madame Rouge thinks the whole team is planning to kill her, not just Rita
So she thinks she has to destroy all of them to stay safe
Brain: That sounds like more of a ‘Rouge’ problem than a ‘Brain’ problem.
So Rita is trying to rope the DP into her personal vendetta and Rouge is trying to do the same with the Brotherhood of Evil
Rita: There are no small roles, only small actors. And stage crew.
Just when Rita finally has one ally, Clara shows up and Cliff nopes out.
Winter Linens crossed out, teleportation. Funny as Hell.
Ah, so Brain DID send Garguax after Rita because she’d stolen the time machine.
Clara is really putting in some work on her relationship with her father
So Cliff’s lack of impulse control is a side affect of the parkinsons meds
So sweet that Clara still cares enough to take Cliff to a doctor.
Kay feels left out that she never got interviewed by Niles
Diane Guerrero is so freaking good
Everybody is struggling with having achieved their goals and what that means for their relationships with one another.
Aww, Kay asking Vic to interview her is so sweet. Her innocent joy at it.
Hey, they let Joivan speak with his English accent!
From Larry’s perspective it must look so strange. Rita was just desperately seeking Laura’s approval and now she wants to kill her. He doesn’t get that it was 30 years for her.
There’s a weird space between Rita and Larry now
Oh, clever thought from Rita. It never occurred to me that Clara might be Mme Rouge transformed and pretending to be Clara.
There’s a clever little time overlap to hide the possibility.
Fun reveal that it’s the baby who’s Mme rouge, not Clara.
The imagery of baby transforming into Rouge is really unsettling.
Oh, Kay hiding under the desk crying. So sad
Ah, the teleportation stuff from the labelled box. That’s how she got to them so quickly
Vic keeps forgetting that he doesn’t have powers anymore.
Jane says something in the underground is in pain
Rita’s being unfair to Jane about helping them
How did Vic find out that they’re in Florida that quickly?
It’s nice that Cliff’s first thought is to worry if Clara and Rory are OK
Brain: Nice to meet you. Big fan. Not of you, per say, but of your design.
It is a little odd now they mention it that the Brain could never build a robot body when Niles had done it so easily,
And now they tie in Cliff’s online hi-jinx with the bigger plot. It was to arrange him selling his specs to Brain
Cliff’s robot body is infused with magic. That makes a lot of sense.
It feels weird that they keep calling cliff Robotman.
Rouge wants to use his body to infiltrate the DP and kill them, Rita last. Which is mostly a self-defense maneuver
Kay is alone in the dark and scary underground
The parasite shocks everybody in response to strong emotion
Being emotionally honest keeps Larry from sparking with the baby
I love that they labelled the brain bottle
Cliff’s body in that suit. Holy crap
The widow in unit J
Larry calling Rita out about her motivations might be a bad idea
Rita is acting very supervillainy
Rita confessing that she got them all killed deliberately in order to ensure she got that time with Malcolm is complicated. She says they’re all strangers to her now, which after 30 years makes sense, but ow.
What is Kay tracking down in the underground??
The Brotherhood: Live! - I NEED a copy of that album. I wonder what other tracks there are
Les Champs Elysees
Riley Shanahan must have had a fucking BALL doing the dance scenes
Did Kay/Jane just exhibit brands new sonic powers?
Which triggered the larva baby and totalled the bus
I wonder if that was the foxtrot
I’m really worried about Larva baby getting hurt
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