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Showing posts from June, 2024

Notes on - Doctor Who: Empire of Death

  Empire of Death notes Sutekh’s dust of death Convenient that it takes out everybody but the Doctor and Ruby Why did I think that Harriet had died? So how many operatives does Sutekh have? I like that Morris’ segue has guns They’re doing a nice job of re-establishing the multiple threats Ibrahim:   The bullets turn to dust, ma’am Kate: Oh, one day. I’m not moved by the death of the Vlinx Kate:   I have to believe that birds will sing again.   There will be birds. OK, that’s why they had to separate Doctor and Mel at the TV studio, Ruby over at the time window and Carla escorted out.   They’re spacing out the drama kills We already know they have to do a reset button.   They can’t pretend otherwise Love that Mel has a scooter. All the chaos CGI is really well done Mrs. Flood: Do you believe in the power of prayer? Cherry: I most certainly do. Mrs. Flood: The tell your maker I will come to storm down his gates of gold and seize his kingdom in my true na

Notes on - Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday

  The Legend of Ruby Sunday notes I still don’t love the whole TARDIS swooping in to a slide thing I guess it does look exciting Hey, it’s Rose!   She’s gotten so tall! It’s weird that Ruby and Rose haven’t met before.   The specials felt so close together. The Doctor:   Ruby, this is Kate. We love Kate. I knew Kate’s dad. He was the best of men. The Vlinx.   I don’t see what the upgrades are.   I’ll have to go back and check The Doctor:   Colonel Ibrahim!   Someone has been working out. They’re coy about not giving Harriet’s last name at this stage but we’re so busy being impressed at this Doctor’s people skills that we don’t notice. Morris Gibbons and the passing asteroid. Where’s Shirley Anne Bingham?? I like the implication that Morris Gibbons’ asteroid thing was just one whole separate adventure that The Doctor wasn’t part of They’ve jumped ahead to being totally aware of Susan Twist now.   They could have paced that better if they’d had more episodes. I

Notes on - Doctor Who: Rogue

  Rogue notes 1813. Bath, England First instance of one of the aliens complaining that they made a bad choice picking their character Why does this cause lightning? Bird noise!   Well before we’d know to listen for it I like that we start with them already at the party dancing.   Skip all the ‘how did they get in there’ stuff Ruby:   Oh my Bridgerton! Psychic earrings which allow Ruby to have all the required muscle memory I wish I knew more Jane Austen *** Ooo, she’s so posh, I love her! The Doctor:   Just try not to get engaged.   Or accidentally invent tarmac. 1902 got away from me. The new sonic has flippy open bits and it’s sonaring the Doctor directly to the brooding stranger on the balcony Ruby: Ah, you’re not a tall glass at all.   You’re like half a glass of shandy. I like the little jerky clicky thing the secret aliens do Susan twist as the Duke’s late mother in portrait form Of course Ruby has to go watch the romance/drama she sees about to happ

Notes on - Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble

  Dot and Bubble notes Sleeping blonde.   Automated wake up system Was she just holding the dot while she slept.   Love the visual of the bubble.   I can totally see this as the future of Insta plus facetime They establish that Jimbo is missing right away Mabel and Neve are also missing She can’t even stand up without being told to by the dot This feels like the sims Ricky September is some kind of influencer who posts Itsy Bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini.   Fun The Doctor hacks in And just a glimpse of a silly slimy monster The city is literally in a bubble Finetime Again, very sims Lindy Just being coached to walk around dead bodies.   Creepy Hoochy Pie:   You are influencing me hard, girl! Why does she have a bugle So they can’t hear the screams inside the bubble Substack processing Alan has a normal name Gothic Paul is the only one noticing the missings Ruby knows to compliment Lindy’s top and then she’ll be more helpful I lo