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Notes on - Doctor Who: Rogue


Rogue notes

1813. Bath, England

First instance of one of the aliens complaining that they made a bad choice picking their character

Why does this cause lightning?

Bird noise!  Well before we’d know to listen for it

I like that we start with them already at the party dancing.  Skip all the ‘how did they get in there’ stuff

Ruby:  Oh my Bridgerton!

Psychic earrings which allow Ruby to have all the required muscle memory

I wish I knew more Jane Austen

*** Ooo, she’s so posh, I love her!

The Doctor:  Just try not to get engaged.  Or accidentally invent tarmac. 1902 got away from me.

The new sonic has flippy open bits and it’s sonaring the Doctor directly to the brooding stranger on the balcony

Ruby: Ah, you’re not a tall glass at all.  You’re like half a glass of shandy.

I like the little jerky clicky thing the secret aliens do

Susan twist as the Duke’s late mother in portrait form

Of course Ruby has to go watch the romance/drama she sees about to happen

The Doctor and Rogue brooding at each other is adorable

Rogue:  I didn’t know that the Duchess employs a court jester

The Doctor: Well, I’m hilarious.

Love watching the Doctor work out what’s off about Rogue in real time

Oh, this is SO meet cute dialogue

The Doctor really does think he’s going outside to hook up, doesn’t he

The Duchess is pissed that Lady Wallace is wearing a dress she’d worn last season.  And now is really pissed that the housekeeper is in sight

2nd instance of an alien complaining that they chose a crappy part

Close up of eal bird face.  Quite lovely makeup

This seems like genuine Austen

Duchess of Pemberton  Cute little easter egg

Lord Barton and Emily

This is exactly what Ruby wants – to see real life Jane Austen happen in person.  She’s cosplaying, same as the aliens but with less death

The purity of the Austen-ness is what makes Ruby’s pratfall with the book work as a funny bit

De Lacaille – have to look him up

The Doctor:   OK, Rogue.  You’re tall, you’re handsome, you’re arrogant, you look great in that jacket.  So there’s one thing I have to ask.  Is that a shoe?

At what point does The Doctor know that Rogue isn’t from these parts in a big way?

Shouldn’t Rogue know that The Doctor isn’t the killer just by his reaction?

They both think the other is the killer.  Classic

The gun pull is a great sight gag

Emily:  ‘Cushy’.  I like it.

Ruby: Ok, yeah, maybe don’t use it a lot.

Ruby is being really kind to Emily


Rogue is a bounty hunter and The Doctor is INTO it

So, is Rogue also a time traveller?

Rogue:  Why isn’t it cloaked?

The Doctor: It’s behind a tree.

Cool visual of their two ships on the lawn

Love the little bird movements

And the chulder has just set her sights on killing and becoming Ruby.  That’s a nice ominous threat

The  Doctor is judging how messy Rogue’s ship is in a very flirty way

Nice setup of the molecular bond for the transport gate. It’s a nice James Bond threat as it is, but also sets up the tech for its use at the end

Fun joke about the screwdriver and shelves – They did that with Jack as well

The Doctor::  Ahhh, did you get your name from Dungeons and Dragons?

Rogue:  Roll for insight.

Ncuti going into Scottish accent is adorable

He can’t use the sonic to turn off the trap so he uses it to repeatedly play dance music.

Why does the Doctro give him the sonic?

SO much flirty dialogue!  So well done.  The you’re hot psychic paper bit is priceless

Who’s ‘the new boss’ that they just gratuitously mentioned

Computer: Press send in ten vexils.

The Doctor: How long does a vexil last?

Computer: Nine.

The Doctor: Oh, that long.

I guess technically the Doctor IS a shapeshifter.  Just a very sporadic one.

They’re still both making the mistaken assumption that there’s only one chulder

Nice shout out to Richard E. Grant’s forgotten Doctor

Emily is REALLY leaning into the Austen-ness which makes sense

And Ruby is trying SO hard to get her to live a fuller life, which is sweet until the twist

Rogue’s scream of oh my god all echo-y from inside the TARDIS is a nice bit

Rogue:  And so clean

The Doctor: Yes, the things that you don’t recognize are called ‘surfaces’.

She never used to mind Jack Harkness

The Doctor is totally trying to pick up Rogue, both as a companion and otherwise

Rogue isn’t too bothered by the Doctor changing his trap settings

Of course the Doctor recognizes that Rogue lost someone.

And I LOVE that they leave the gender of the person Rogue lost deliberately nebulous.  Maybe they were nonbinary?  But we don’t know for sure and it shouldn’t matter

The Doctor:  We have to live each day.  Because they can’t.

Oh my god, KISS HIM!!  So romantic.  ‘Let’s argue across the stars.’

So we think the threat to Ruby is coming from Duchess of Pemberton

The Doctor’s introductions to the group were cute

Ruby points out the obviouis question  - Why are the aliens doing any of this?

So the Chuldur saw the Bridgerton TV signals out among the stars and had to come cosplay it

So they HAVE to be time travellers, right?  He’s only identified Rogue as ‘outer space bounty hunter

Would a biracial same sex couple have been scandalos in 1813?  I honestly have no idea.

The dramatic  and non-diagetic lighting change in their dance is gorgeous.

They need to create as big a scandal and scene as they can to draw out the drama queen aliens

The Doctor and Rogue are kind of making this argument up, but they kind of really mean it too

AAww.  A proposal

Why does this hit the Doctor so hard?  He seems genuinely wounded by the proposal’

Clever that they’re holding one reveal back.  Emily deliberately leads Ruby to a private place.

The bird makeup is really nice

They’re a little bit family of blood, aren’t they

And they can’t use the trap yet because it’s still only set for one person

I really want a season with Rogue as a companion

They have to add that they’re going to London to keep doing this on larger and larger scales, just to make the threat bigger

Now the gate carries six maximum, but it can only work once, they have to get it right first time.  Way to set up the stakes for the climax

Ruby consciously making the decision that Emily has seen enough already to just tell her the truth.

Slowly we’re realizuing that Emily is one of the Chuldur all along

And they reak away on the lightning effect from the hall so thatwe don’t know what happens next

The Duchess has apparently seen Cabaret

Chuldur kill everybody when they’re done cosplaying

TheDoctor’s eyes when he thinks Ruby’s been killed and hollowed out – heartbreaking

I’m not sure we needed this little flashback to Carla just so we know that the Doctor felt responsible for Ruby’s safety.  It’s nice though.

We know the actor playing the vicar, don’t we

Rogue:  They have a lifespan of 600 years.

The Doctor:  Good.  Good.  Good.  It’s a long time to suffer.

The Emily Chuldur is the prettiest design

Of course the Doctor objects to the wedding

The Chuldur all want to be The Doctor because he’s unique

His little grimace when he points out the other two triform parts

Of course we all know full well that that’s the real Ruby, we just don’t know how yet

They set up battle mode earlier nicely.

The string quartet arrangement of Poker Face is delightful

And now he has the dilemma we all saw coming.  Release them all so Ruby lives, or send Ruby away forever

Rogue already knows that he’s going to save Ruby at his own expense.  He’s just giving the Doctor one last chance to let him down and the Doctor doesn’t

This is so romantic

The bouquet

Rogue:  Find me

It’s the same Captain Jack fate, but with a tragic ending

He’s sent Rogue’s ship in orbit around the moon to wait, because he hasn’t given up hope

I adore that Ruby won’t let him pretend not to be hurt and hugs him until he gives in to his grief

Is that a knife crest on the ring?  Is that a D&D reference?

Love that he wears the ring



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