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Notes on - Doom Patrol: Fun Size Patrol

Fun Size Patrol notes
London, 1927.  Dorothy was a circus exhibit.  Wonder how she got there from being born in Canada, presumably. 
Captured in the Yukon.  OK, so how did they get her away from the cave woman/mom?
And why did she age to 11 and then stop? Surely she wasn’t born 11?
Was she already born before Niles left to rejoin the Bureau?
So is this the same Wolf/Bear/Stag that her mother had, or a different one.  I’m going to call him Ted.
Did Ted see Niles?  Is that what distracted him?
**** “Help… Girl…”
So it’s the candlemaker but not yet named.
She made a wish with a scary power to get out of captivity and it slaughtered everybody at the circus.  Yeah, that’s intense.
Hard to feel too bad about the ringmaster
Did they injure Ted?
Wait, we saw Ted later on in the timeline.
Dorothy seems so desperately happy to have possible friends.  That’s sad.
Dorothy reminding her imaginary friends who the DP members were was a pretty good device to bring viewers up to speed.
Jane’s still doing super-heroin
Dorothy’s decription of the other members is consistently the kindest take on each character.  That says a lot about her.
Dorothy:  “Maybe we’re not all friends just yet, but I just know we will be eventually.  SSomeday, we might even be better than friends.  Maybe someday we’ll be a family.
Larry cooking tiny pancakes is a masterwork.  He’s clearly devoted himself to taking care of the rest of them while they’re small.  He must be lonely being the only big person in the house.
Good device that being small has kept them with Niles, since otherwise they’d want nothing to do with him.  It forced them all to deal with what happened
Steam is 1700:1.  And Larry didn’t turn the burner off.
Niles is trying to science their way back to being big
Larry must have sewn the tiny tents
The giant sets look mostly practical, and are really good
Rita makes the rational point that they should be looking at magic as a solution.
Rita:  At the very least he could point us in the direction of a book, or a boy, or a horsehead.  She seemed nice.
Cliff ‘feeding’ the rats.  He just can’t help but ultimately do the kind thing, no matter how hard he resists.
Cliff is clearly not over Admiral Whiskers.
Cliff:  Squeek Squeek, Motherfucker!  Oh Yeah!
The rest of the underground has had enough of Jane’s tuning out.  They want a new prime alter
Last I recall, none of the other alters were willing to go topside.
Dorothy took the needle out of Jane’s arm.
Jane:  Being a grownup doesn’t give you a pass on being an asshole
Darling and Herschel.  Wait, is Ted Herschel?
Wizard of Oz was out in 37, wasn’t it?  Is that why she’s in the outfit?
Nobody trusts the Vhief anymore, for good reason.
The tiny vanity has to be for Rita, right?
Erector set ferris wheel foreshadowing erector set elevator for the team.
Gary seemed so happy with the plane, and Larry couldn’t help but be a douche about the rocket placement
I like that the flashabcks are directly caused by the NS.
Cyborg has been monitoring Mr. Nobody and Beard Hunter.  That’s in character
He’s also helping Rita practice her powers.  In a tough love sort of way.
Rita is toying with the idea of becoming a super hero.  Man she’s come a long way
Vic, that was not a lengthy lesson.
Florida 1984.  Cliff’s Dad has apparently been staying with him and his wife
Cliff called the unborn baby the burrito.
Cliff’s dad:  When’s lunch?  I’m ready to eat the ass off a low flying duck.
Oh, Cliff and Kate aren’t married yet and Cliff is uninviting his dad from the wedding
Cliff later became his dad.  Sad.
The husband stitch is unfortunately a real thing.
The toy car is great, but there wouldn’t actually be anything underneath it for Cliff to work on
The racing scene is great, but the toy car wouldn’t actually steer or have controls.  But Cliff can’t help himself but give Dorothy a fun ride
Then a crash flashback
‘Friends from inside my mind’  came out because she was happy
Were they about to run down the Chief is he hadn’t stopped the car?
Cliff is taking no shit from Niles atm
Larry playing the drive in theater movie is cute. 
Took me ages to realize that those were single giant pieces of popcorn
Cliff:  Hole filled, asshole.
This is an amazingly detailed model race car set
Why do people always cut their palms to give blood sacrifice?  You’ll need that!
The sparkly umbrella and bad singing – this isn’t a spell, it’s Willoughbee making him humiliate himself, isn’t it?  He does video it on his phone
Is Timothy Dalton really that bad a singer?
Niles: Cut the crap, Willoughby, we’ve got work to do.
Willoughbee:  And we will.  It’s just, you’re adorable.  I’m adorable.  The whole thing’s just –
Niles:  Enough.  Please.
‘Her imaginary pal’ is the candlemaker, right?
Willoughby knows all about Dorothy, and the freakshow, and Niles’ experiments
Willoughby:  Is this supposed to be a grovel?
Willoughby will only help get them big in exchange for the thing around Niles neck, which we infer is what’s keeping him from aging.  Plus the painting
Rita:  Very Great Santini of you, by the way.
Vic’s having nightmares that everyone else can hear
Larry’s really come around on liking the Negative Spirit
I’d wondered if Larry’s sons were still around.  Apparently Gary committed suicide
Cliff and Jane by the brick
Love that they always respect Danny’s pronouns
Cliff:  It’s entirely possible that that is the world’s tiniest joint
Jane:  Larry rolled it for me.  He uses tweezers or some shit.
Cliff and Jane gossiping is delightful!
Jane:  Ok, Ok, on the count of three, we both blurt out what we think he fucked.
Yeah, Niles has no highground on the decency front.  The show is not letting him off the hook
Cliff was too decent to tell a little girl that he’d been killing the rats
Cliff:  Jane.  You want to go fuck up some rats?
Jane:  Fuck yes.
Slow little erector set elevator!  Such a nice tie in to Larry making the ferris wheel
Vic is freaking out worrying that everything is a trap by Mister Nobody.  Was that just to get him and Rita sidelined from the rat babies?
So sweet rat babies!  OH MY GOD SHE ATE ONE!!
Yeah, that’s a harsh nature lesson
Jane:  Natural order.  The weakest one is a liability so it has to go.
That’s pretty ominous
Niles gets away with being cruel to Dorothy because we were primed on the tough love via Vic and Rita earlier.
Hey, it’s Ted! Or maybe Herschel.  Or maybe Herschel’s the spider?
Cliff trying to protect Dorothy from the monsters Dorothy summoned to protect herself is SO this show’s MO
And that close call was enough to get the chief to accept Willoughby’s deal
So he’s aging again now?
Dorothy heard enough to understand what’s happening to Niles
Cliff is now actually feeding the rats because he can’t help being kind in the end
Vic packed up and left, but Rita’s getting better
Jane is still using while big, but the alters just sent a serious message about replacing her
Gary left behind his brother paul and died at age 60


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