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Notes on - Legends of Tomorrow: Swan Thong

Swan Thong notes

Charlies shoes are amazing
Legends on TV is exactly the sort of thing totalitarian states do to pacify the masses
The signs are very They Live
Ava is genuinely glad Mona and Gary are OK
If the fates control everything, how is there any contraband to be dumped
Good job having Mona and Gary say, ‘ok, our function is done.  Bye!
Seems like the Fates just want to be worshipped
Worshiper:  Why?  Are they tired from the crossover?
Atropos: (Sternly)  What is a crossover?
Lachesis:  Ambitious villains are the product of the chaos you birthed.
***What do you think they would want?  More choices, or a lifetime of peace?
Mick Rory’s waverider lock clicker is now a plot point.  I still hate it.  And that garbage pile was nowhere near big enough to cover the whole ship
Mick’s breaking off on his own again
Gideon has a central hard drive location which can be stolen
This probably didn’t need Nate to take his shirt off.   But thank you.                                                                         
I don’t know that the superconducter metal would provide the energy

Zari:  Sara, I’ve got eyes on Charlie Fate, and Hippie Mom Fate.  No sign of psycho Fate.
Astra needs to remember her dead mom.  Just like Bill in Lie of the Land
Nice that they addressed Lachesis as Astra’s mother figure
It’s not at all clear how they power the ship or how love destroys the loom
But nice internal logic that Sara’s connection to Atropos gives her the ability to use Atropos’ powers
Nice that it took the wonder twinning to blow Atropos away
An ask Fate app would probably sell
Ava:  Uh, what are the chances that everyone’s watches got a weird update in the last four months
John:  I’d say one in a monkey’s ass, love.
This is where the second episode should start
Nice planting the seed for Behrad’s injury crisis
Nate liking a history museum was a nice touch
Ava:  First up – The Hall of Bad ideas
Nate:  Ray has that suit
The Thong Song was indeed a bad idea
I have a lot of suggestions for items to put in that exhibit
Funny that everybody is clear that Zari has the hots for John
Why is Marie Antoinette even here?  Was it just to taunt Courtney Ford?
Oh yeah, they did totally leave Mick behind
OK, so everybody got their real memory back when the loom broke
Ava:  Is it weird that I’m offended that we’re only number two?
Charlie’s totally submitted to control and given up punk rebellion.  Lachesis really broke her
So Charlie learned that having a family doesn;t mean being controlled
Astra’s guilt over replacing her mom is understandable
John:  Listen to me.  You are still her daughter.
Astra:  Natalie?  Or Lachesis?
Examples of good things from free will – The Beatles.
Gary:  Two words.  Octopus’ Garden.
Charlie:  Gary…No.
Zari 1 and Behrad are a fascinating dynamic.
Listening to an alternate version of yourself have sex with someone while with your brother would be so weird.
Charlie’s argument that sudden free will would inspire panic isn’t wrong.
Huh.  So they didn’t overwrite anything with the loom, just changed the current situation back
Lachesis looks honestly hurt by Astra’s betrayal
Astra’s wearing John’s medallion/coin
Zari 2 solving the issue just by unplugging Gideon was fun
Flowbee!! And shakeweight
Fighting with all the stuff from the bad idea display to Thong Song has a delightful ridiculousness
Of course John took the cigarettes
Nate’s just dancing with Red Bull
Good thing we got reminded they had all those hell weapons
Lita being the one
Lita:  You gotta get over yourself.  So 49% of life is crappy?  Fine.  51% isn’t.  And that’s the 2% worth fighting for
Charlie:  And how can you be so sure.
Lita:  Because I am that 2%.
Charlie forgiving Lachesis was a nice twist
Forgiving someone for how they made you feel is much harder and more effective than.
Love that everybody’s fine with Zari and Nate AND Zari and John
Nate:  Can I text you in the totem?
Nate:  Now I get to remember the woman I love forever.  No regrets.
Charlie didn’t look like that when she was the lead singer of the Smell
Love that they shrugged off that The Smell being dead
Not sure about Astra’s new hair
Astra’s got the ending I wanted for Gary
Nate and Behrad arm in arm is sweet
I didn’t know Charlie was leaving.  That was sad.
Nice cliffhanger.  I hope Sara being kidnapped means we don’t see her for ages next year.


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