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Notes on - Doom Patrol: Dumb Patrol


Notes for Dumb Patrol


So Miranda is back in control to ‘show them what the girl wants.’

Somewhere in Switzerland…

So a place in Switzerland is closed due to infestation4

‘My Side: A True Story’  so Animal Vegetable Mineral Man’s dino side is trans and named Denise and has written an Autubiography.  One of the plug quotes is ‘Graphic and Gripping’ -Gerard Way

Rita is playing the beekeeper.

I actually believed that Isobel had been run over by a tractor trailer.

Rita’s Mom:  I hope you know, you weren’t Mickey’s first choice to replace that little harpy.  But I changed her mind.

Rita: …Changed her mind.. how?

Rita’s Mom:  I think we both know the answer to that.  (Makes extraordinarily crass and graphic gesture with fingers and tongue)

Rita’s actually dreaming that her mom would sleep with Mickey to get her into a community theater production

Roni finally gets to meet the gang!

Vic:  Hey Larry, you OK?

Larry:  Not since the early 60s, no.

Nice that Vic isn’t hiding Roni and the gang from each other

Where did Rita get the beekeeper hat?

Miranda is an amazing cook.  And a big fan of Rita Farr.  Or is she just buttering her up?

Rita:  The Cloverton Beekeeper has graciously agreed to let me shadow her today.  I also had to subscribe to her honey of the month club.

I love how nonchalant Larry is about telling everyone that the Chief and Dorothy are in space.

Roni stops by for breakfast.

So they set up the infestation in Switzerland, then have a box arrive from there at the manor.  Economical way to set up whats happening.

How did the painting get to Switzerland. 

Miranda seems unaffected by the bad idea bugs

So niles is in Canada looking for Dorothy’s mum.  Convenient that Dorothy slept through the landing.

Where did Cliff land?  Looks like Iowa

Rhiannon, the beekeeper’s daughter.  Triggered some mother issues for Rita.

Rita’s drinking again.  Is that every episode?

So is the implication that for Larry opening up to Miranda is a bad idea?  Because her advice actually feels pretty solid.

Miranda’s much more accommodating about letting Larry use the other alters. 

Going to that hospital is really a terrible idea with the Bureau hunting him.  But he and Flit thinking they can blend in just by putting on lab coats is hysterical.  Larry didn’t even take off his other coat

Miranda:  What’s up?

Roni:  Well, Vic’s just offered to perform surgery on me

Miranda:  Like… Himself?

Larry:  Oh.  Anything we can do to help?

Vic:  Hell yeah!  You’re already dressed like doctors!  (Cut to Blowtorch)

Interesting.  They go out of their way to point out that the Flit is also affected, but not Miranda.  Why?

Vic:  You’re right, Nicer-Jane.  I have been acting strangely.

Scants.  They came from our painting and infected the swiss.  But where did they come from originally?

Larry:  First of all, nice butthole.  Really makes your eyes pop.

The slideshow.  Oh my god, the slideshow.

A substance called ‘Idyat’.  LOL!

The slideshow is very like Giles’ with the Gentlemen

Miranda always starts with a positive comment before offering advice.

Nice fakeput cut from the painting/Going into the painting to the snowy forest.  I really though that was inside the painting at first.

Trusting a motorized wheelchair over that terrain seems like a bad plan.

Cliff’s plot seems superfluous.

Cliff:  Yeah.  First I’ll eject him into space.  Then I’ll find his stupid body, rip off his stupid head, and take the mother of all craps down his neck-hole.  Except I can’t shit anymore.  Shit.  New plan.  Eject him into space, find his body AND a Great Dane with giardia, and have it take a shit down his neck-hole!  Yes!  Revenge by Marmaduke!

What must the CC transcribers think.

What really is going on with Cliff’s body randomly not working this season?  Are they building to the spider legs?

Beekeepers give surprisingly solid advice.

Beekeeper:  A mom can love a kid to the moon and back, but it doesn’t mean she knows how to express it in healthy and constructive ways.

The Beekeepers advice to get a surrogate to yell at to get her mom feelings out it good advice

**** And.. I’m sorry to keep harping on this… but you guys are infected with bad ideas.  So.. any strong urges you might be having?  Are probably not good.

Am I supposed to recognize the character on the beard hunters underwear?

Did Alan Tudyk really get a job on an animated show?

Apparently the scants really couldn’t see the Beard Hunter painted white

Looks like a Minnesota license plate

‘Virginity rocks’

Robotman being forced to do  video shout outs in exchange for one phone call.

Learn when to take the L

Wait… Niles is walking?  How is Niles walking?

Nles is talking to a funeral pier that manifests the Candlemaker.

So the Candlemaker WASN’T created by Dorothy?  So… Is the Candlemaker Dorothy’s twin?  He says Dorothy’s mom gave birth to them both

OK, he was walking because it was a dream

Kipling got infected

Uma Jelly is ‘evolutionary potential’?

Queen:  Once we drain all of the Idyat from your brains, each of you will shit your pants and die.  So thank you.

Rita has taken up superheroing dressed as a beekeeper complete with Bee puns.

The queen references Moscows advice that Larry should go to space

Willoughbee loves the horse head

This is one of those ‘the bad guy reveals your unpleasant truths moments.

I wonder which of Janes alters was immune and which weren’t

Why is Vic and Roni being together a bad idea, like a duck being friends with a lobster.  They seem just fine together?

Roni stole some Uma Jelly

I don’t think a gunshot would in the gut would be released from the hospital that quickly

Oh, the fact that the Chief’s VHS tape confession was missing was important.  Somebody sent it to Clara.  Who?

Jane seems sad that everybody likes Miranda better.

Scarlet Harlot was disappeared.  She didn’t show up for book club where they where going to discuss Animal Vegetable Mineral Mans biography.  Nice detail.

Willoughbee’s note to Baphomet - -

Baphomet, You. Me. A dewy glen.  You suckle my baby carrot like a bashful foal in a world free of judgment.  Call Me! W.K.

Callback of Niles singing Mrs. Brown to summon Willoughbee.  So it wasn’t just an exercise in humiliation, it actually pulls him against his will here.

So the implication is Niles is having Willoughbee murder Dorothy to keep the world safe?  And Willoughbee has been expecting the request so they’ve previously discussed it.  Niles needs ‘one more day’


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