Vacay Patrol notes Brain and Monsieur Mallah! They’re prefect! Brotherhood of Evil, 1949 Niles has taken out their man in Paraguay along with Eric Morden *** Je m’en fous! The intercom gag is priceless. It took me half the episode to recognize Billy Boyd Garguax the Decimator! So why did brain want Rita eliminated? Who cares. Maybe to keep her from joining the team? Samuelson Codsville Mountain Resort? The over the top deployment of weapons followed by decades of waiting. Samuelson miming firing the big gun was cute. *** In the meantime, our presence here will go completely unnoticed. And yet he still has himself announced in the dining hall. That gramophone announcer is brilliant The use of silence in the comedy is fantastic Love that Garguax doesn’t hesitate to shake Jim Thompson’s hand and then is immediately accepted as 50s guy Garguax: Ever vigilant. Garguax. Nice touch of the newspaper article showin...
Hi, I'm Mikey. I review TV for What follows are the notes I take of any given episode of television, on the off chance that they'll be of any interest to anybody at some point. The following will absolutely contain typos, misspellings, and lots of inadvertent homonyms. They were typed on the fly while TV was happening. So, in case you ever read one of my reviews and wondered - here's what Mikey was thinking...