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Notes on - Doom Patrol: Possibilities Patrol


Posssibilities Patrol notes

Cliff watching the previously on on a VHS tape was cute.

***  OK.  Now what?

So Dorothy was dragged through the fire and wakes up in a cage in the woods being taunted by the candlemakers voice

This is where the candlemaker began as a whisper?  What does that mean?

Uh, why is there a convenient bow and arrow right in the cage?

Oh, none of that is really happening.  OK

Candlemaker:  It is destiny.  It is the way.

Dorothy:  Then let’s change the way

Oh, they’re on the moon

So Dorothy is sentencing the Candlemaker to an infinite time out until he agrees to be her friends again.  I like that.

It’s not 100% clear what really happened with all the cage stuff.  Was that the candlemaker’s asserted reality, and Dorothy fought back with her own?

The candlemaker ‘lived in her head’ and was her friend.  Is that all the information we’re going to get about him?

What caused all the wax to suddenly break?  Was that a sign that the Candlemaker relented?

Are they saying the chief is dead?

Whoa – big candlemaker

So are we just never going to get to know what the candlemaker/destiny/womanhood stuff was all about?

Apparently Vic put Cliff back together.  But his hand’s still jacked.

Larry:  Well I think it’s great for you to perform in a play that debases you and everyone you know.  Should be a terrific distraction.

They really did just entirely drop the candlemaker stuff.  Crash card ‘One Week later’

Jane’s still unconscious – no personality has control.  And Dorothy won’t let them bury Niles until Jane wakes up and can say goodbye

Larry makes an interesting point about giving things up for the sake of holding on to old memories.

What became of Willoughby?

The image of Niles’ body packed in frozen peas is just bizarre      

Niles left ‘The Secret’ to Rita.  Which is a key on a chain

Meanwhile, in the underground, Jane has made it out of the well.  Only took a week

And Kay in in a cage now?

Little girls in cages is an uncomfortable motif

What did not-Miranda do to Kay to make her unresponsive?

Is that a disco ball or a mace on the keychain?

Rita having to stand there and listen to her actions back in the pilot being misrepresented, shame at not having control, that’s a lot to process for her.

Rita:  I hate him for asking.  And I hate myself for hating him, because I loved him too. And I never told him either of those things.  And now it’s too late.

OMG, the fake Cliff costume and the farting donkey

Vic:  I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.

Silas:  Walking in on his corpse was a much better way to break the news.

So are we just done with the Roni plot now?

All of the alters are stuck in the same state Kay is, doing that puzzle.  That’s creepy.  WTF is going  on?

Fake Miranda isn’t Daddy – that’s right, he was in the well, wasn’t he.  I’d forgotten that.  But apparently that’s not the answer anyway.

Niles’ Obi Wan appearance

Oh, is that really his ghost?  Or is this just a trick?

So the Chief is just going to appear with final messages to them one by one?

Cliff wants his daughter to know even his bad qualities

Confirmation that the Chief was the one who sent the tape to Clara to help heal her and Cliff’s relationship

And now everyone knows Rita is the gloopy woman

Mean phone calls for Rita.

Has Larry always slept without bandages?

Does the negative spirit want to go to space?  Is that what it’s saying?

Awww, ,Larry’s mostly concerned about what would happen to Rita if he left.  Sweet.

Can she hear that from the other side of that airlock door?  I think we’re supposed to assume she could.

Oh, there’s Roni.

Roni is apparently trying to blow up a building full of people.  Harsh.

So what IS not-Miranda exactly?  Some kind of internalized anxiety?

The stuffed sheep brought Kay out of her trance/cage.

Who answers the phone during labor?

Dorothy wants to bring Niles’ body up to the Northwoods, but ghost Niles want to be burned

Should Kay be this functional?

Dorothy apologized for Baby Doll.  That’s a nice nod back

Kay has an airplane that they used to use before building the underground.  OK.

Awww.  They woke up the other alters!

Did Kay just will that to be the case?

Wouldn’t making strong wind just help the plane rise?

I like how much less infantilized Dorothy’s appearance is

I like they way they use puzzle piece imagery

Aww, group hug

Eating the puzzle pieces is kind of a nice metaphor for internalizing and processing pain.  Still not entirely clear what Miranda was though

God I love Rita and Larry’s friendship

Larry’s leaving?  Sad.

Good on Rita for refusing to be why Larry didnb’t go and for giving a specific goodbye to the negative spirit

So somebody knows Cyborg tipped Roni off.

How did Cliff get to Florida that fast?

Was Larry’s face literally healed?  Will he not need the bandages now?

Ah, how did I not click that that was Danny the Ambulance?

And another crash one week later

So  Dorothy’s off with Danny, Larry’s gone to space, Niles is dead, and Cliff is presumably still in Florida with his grandbaby.  That’s just Rita, Jane and Vic at the mansion, right?

Ah.  The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Why have an alarm for an alarm?

Every ending is actually a new beginning

Very odd musical number.

OK, so I assume the ‘arrival imminent’ alarm was for Madame Rouge

Michelle Gomez is the BEST.  She even makes peeing look cool.

Poor ‘played Rita in the musical’ woman.  So much for your possibilities at the bottom of that hole.

So Madame Rouge can shapeshift but doesn’t appear to be in control of it.

I wondered if Niles was going to encounter the sex ghosts.  And he was all set to go for it before his spirit was yanked away by Willoughby Kipling digging up his severed head.



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