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Notes on - Legends of Tomorrow: The Fungus Amongus


The Fungus Amongus notes


Mick would absolutely not be unharmed by that explosion, nor would the rest of the team

We’ve obliterated Gideon’s mainframe

Bishop stole kayla’s ship

Good time for Behrad to return.  Good thing he didn’t come back during the explosion

Behrad believes the lie that you can fix an addict.

Good way to trap Kayla with the team.

Olivia Swann actually pulls off the MOST expository line of dialogue bringing everyone up to date ever.

So John’s body left behind a mushroom

So just off the cuff, John’s dead and Mick’s fine.

The CPU is obliterated and Kayla is fixing it.  Is this how Gideon becomes corporeal?

It’s kind of sweet how the show is refusing to differentiate between Lita and the eggs.

We’re still in Texas 1925

These are the same aliens that overran Bishop’s planet, aren’t they?  Is he in control of them now?


*** We are so screwed.


The fountain isn’t dead, just dying

Gary:  We just have to save the fountain slash Spooner before the armada of carrion lizards overruns the planet and kills everyone.  Easy Peasy.

And now Bishop’s plan is to get Sara to be his by killing everyone else.  Of course he has a completely new plan out of nowhere.  Again.

John isn’t dead, he’s in the mushroom

Zari is justifiably pissed at John and has no interest in his help.

Gideon:  Ahhh.  I’m back.  Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.


And of course his plan is for he and Sara to be the new Adam and Eve.  Oh Fuck Bishop

Timenapping a younger bishop is actually a really good idea.

They have to only do things that Sara would never do because of the stupid plot bullshit

Younger Bishop is so much more tolerable.  We pick up with him at the creation of the first Ava

Younger Bishop:  You’re a working Ava

Ava: Well, I work.  But I don’t let my work define me.

Behrad:  I spoke to John!  He IS in the mushroom!  He wants to talk to us.  And we all gotta eat him.

Man do I get where Zari is at.

John:  Sara…. Sara…..  Eat me.

John in the heavenly white version of his outfit is a look

The fountain is not just dying, it’s also decided that human beings aren’t worth protecting anymore.

It’s nice to see Mick being a hero one last time.  He’s not abandoning any of his family again

Astra really does care about John.

I love how they’re dressing the solution up in stoner language.  We are all connected

So did Bishop heal the fountain or just Spooner or what?

So we just swapped midstream and now it’s not that the fountain is dying, it just doesn’t want to help. So… is it healed?

I love Sara wanting to get married before the fight.

Sara:  What else do we need?

Ava:  I don’t know, maybe for the world not to be ending?

The wedding prep montage is Legends as its best

I feel like all of Spooner and her mom’s convo should be in Spanish

So touching and understandable that Spooner wants her mom to flee and be safe so that what she’d always thought didn’t turn out to be true.  And sweet that her mom understood.

Spooner/Astra hug!!!

Gary’s actually giving really solid advice to Ava

Having healthy love allows you to do the things that would otherwise be impossible for you to do.  Ava improvising her vows is the PERFECT encapsulation of that.

And I love that she asked Gary to walk her down the aisle.

Behrad really does know how to play

LOVE that Mick walked Sara down the aisle!  I wish we’d seen her ask him.

Kayla looks stunning in that dress.

Nate’s wedding speech is kind of perfect and amazing.

Kayla tentatively taking Sara’s hand during the vows was so sweet

How did Bishop make it night already?  I could have used a handwave explanation for that.

SO Spooner that she armed the wedding in advance

I feel like they should at least have considered the possibility of killing younger Bishop to avoid all this.

It might have been worth reminding us that these were the guys that stung Sara earlier to make the Behrad thing pop more.

Love that Sara leaped immediately to ax amputation.

Oh, so is Spooner’s power that she can swap people’s powers?  Neat

Also nice way to underscore the all connected theme.  Human connection literally defeats the aliens

Really great decision to tie the alien defeat to them finalizing the wedding by saying I do

‘Everyone was saved by the power of love almost never works.  Except we are so invested in Sara and Ava at this point that it totally does.

The fountain decided they were worth it afrter all

I did not hate seeing Bishop eaten by baby octopuses

Now that was the right kind of ridiculous

Cute that younger Bishop assumed they were Christmas Caroling him and Nate and Ava were so not bothered by letting him down easily.

John had an entire subplot involving reselling his soul to a demon that we didn’t even see any of.  Very him.

This really is the standard John Constantine romance plot, just with someone we were already invested in.

What’s with the key John gave Zari?

Sara and Mick’s goodbye scene was so perfect

Fantastic tag scene – other Waverider comes out of nowhere and blows up ‘ours’





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