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Notes on - Legends of Tomorrow: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist


It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad Scientist notes

*** Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve reached our destination.  Welcome to New York City!

Gary’s so happy to see NYC

I absolutely thought he was going to lose that key by spinning it.

Gary had been giving the Legends updates, which is thoughtful

Why is Gary so concerned about Nate and Zari?  Is he developing a crush on Zari 2.0?  Please show, don’t make this get weird.

Oh right, they wouldn’t have any food in that mansion, would they

Sad to hear they don’t have proper pizza in the future.

Ava is technically Canadian, isn’t she. 

Yeah, they really need to be more careful about chatting in public

Cool shot through Hoover’s head

So the Hooverbot is Waverider technology.  Someone in the other waverider is covering their history damage.

Zari:  I even put up a mirror to show him his tech.  He accused me of subversion.

I’ve missed this version of Zari.

How plentiful were doughnuts in 1925?

Muting Hoover is an option

So Gary is really pushing Nate and Zari to cement their relationship.

Did we already know that Davies worked for T. Edison?

Sara’s being practical.  She is kind of immortal now.

Would one bank robbery really have made the Bullet Blondes this much front page news for this long?

Davies is the father of time travel, so screwing up might delete themselves from the timeline.  Nicely established.

I can’t decide if I enjoy the joke about Davies looking like every other Legend but Constantine

I shouldn’t be surprised that Dr. Davies is Welsh.  As is Matt Ryan, so that’s probably his real accent

I still love these 1920s credits.

I love the detail that Gideon is multilingual and switches to Spanish for Spooner without effort.

Gideon gleefully introducing herself to god is cute.

Gideon:  Isn’t luck just an interpretation of random occurrences? How can a spell generate that?

Astra:  How can a spell generate anything?

They’re initially playing nicely coy about whether the luck spell is real or not.

It’ll take 5 years for Zari and Behrad to build the time machine.

AN infinite supply of booze is not a bad asset

Do obsessed scientists really sleep in their labs in real life, or is that just a TV thing

Davies has already built a time machine, but it’s conveniently missing just one piece

Zari:  Did you and Gary hook up?  I won’t be mad.  I will be confused.

And the missing piece is conveniently at Edison labs

Nice linguistic catch by Ava.  He laid the foundation, not invented, implying that it’s cool for him to vanish with the team

Spooner:  The clutch is slipping.

Astra:  I have no idea what that means, but I assume that it’s bad.

It is awfully convenient that Cannonball Baker – who Spooner has heard of – happens to stop by.

They’re near Cleveland.  That’s a heck of a drive to NYC

Of course Gideon is a great GPS

Sara’s diabolical plan – to tie up Davies with paperwork

That seems awfully high tech for Edison to have built

Robo-Hoover has a to-do list.

I love Hoover’s ridiculous enthusiasm.  Great touch that he believes he’s real.

Hoover’s prime directive is to eliminate the Legends.

So the person that sent the Hooverobt is trying to protect the timeline and eliminate the Legends.  Sigh.  It’s going to be fucking Bishop, isn’t it.

Gary spills the beans to Edison regarding Davies time travel project.  It’s hard to blame Gary

Nice humanizing detail that Davies has 0panic attacks.  I’m having one even as I type this.  I can relate.

Davies is fired for pursuing time travel lduring work hours and stealiong parts

Could your boss really have you committed in 1925.  Probably, I suppose.

I wonder what speed limits and enforcement were like at this point really?

I like the way the lucky rock stuff plays when you know what’s really happening.  Nice bit of comedy.

It’s surprising that Spooner and Astra aren’t encountering more racism

Could Zari 1 just stay out forever in the pocket dimension?

For the sake of the moral dilemma, let’s say it is.

Hoover bot is doing the solid relationship advice from the bad guy schtick that the Mayor used to do.

Maiden Voyage!  7 PM

Activsasting the machine with the last part made the time bureau never exist and Ava and Gary disappear.

There are a LOT of unresolved paradoxes here

Nice catch Sara that they have to make sure the original documents survive.

Clever to use the Hoover bot and his authority to rescue Davies

Zari:  You know, I don’t know why I keep un-muting you.

Davies built his time machine for a ‘sacred purpose’.  I wonder when we’ll find out what he’s trying to fix

Again with the panic attacks.  Understandable. Sara just had a knife to his throat.

Davies is surprisingly unbothered by the idea of Sara marrying a woman.

So Gwyn is trying to save someone as well and that’s why he’s inventing time travel.

Sara, maybe check who his person is before agreeing to save them.  I suspect that will come back to bite her.

The actor playing Hoover is really good. One wonders how they explained the part to him at audition

Huge surprise that Hoover exploded!

Huger surprise that Edison died!

Don’t try to do CPR or anything Zari. He would be totally savable at that point.

Zari’s made friends and community inside the totem.  Hmm.  Not sure how I feel about that.

So is Nate going to go live in the totem.

Love how mature they’re being about taking their time making decisions because of how insane the situation is

They’re using the fact that everyone thinks Davies is insane as a virtue

In walks a new robot Hoover to keep that timeline tidy, just after the other Waverider did a driveby

They really should have been keeping an eye on the car when the thief came by

Gideon and the rock are still in the car

Again they lampshade that everybody already knows Matt Ryan.  Behrad feels like he knows him because he’s been studying his work.

Zari:  Ray.  He looks like Ray.

Nate:  My Ray?

Davies being the one to put the part in brought the timeline back on track and brought back Ava and Gary

Triumphant moment except we all know they’ll all die if Astra and Spooner don’t get there in time.

Astra confessing that she was pretending about the lucky rock solely to make Spooner feel better

Love that Gideon just calmly clocked him with the rock

There’s a Time Bureau safehouse in Tahiti 2021

They’re so casual about having killed Edison

Spooner’s plan B to black out the city is super clever

Relly great suspense time on this sequence

They’ve kept the team apart just long enough for this to feel epis and not drawn out

So which of them saved the team, Astra and Spooner, or Gideon?

Man, the pacing is so good here.

I wish we’d gotten to see the rest of the team react to learning that Gideon is a human now

Behrad:  Save some for me.  Just kidding, I don’t drink.  We also have an infinite amount.

Oh, Sara’s right.  Not dying did possibly change the timeline.

Ava:  It’s OK.  I love Bourbon Sunsets on our nonexistent porch

Nice shoutout to alternating current. 

Ah, clever seeding of the blue chips from the waverider being in Hoover;s head. Which then is the solution to their escaping.

So happy to see them all together again.

Love the dematerializing effect they went with.

The other Waverider showed up again .

And of course they end up off course.




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