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Notes on - Legends of Tomorrow: A Woman's Place is in the War Effort


A Woman’s place is in the war effort! notes

Did they deliberately design the streaking up dematerializtion effect to set this up?

***Hey.  Wasn’t there a person on that toilet?

The Marco Polo distraction was cute.  I was forgetting that they had the magic key

The ladies outhouse.  Oh, that sets up the indoor women’s room later, doesn’t it.

Bishop:  There is a soon to be bad Bishop, who’s actually a replacement, robot, clone of me, but I’m the good Bishop.

Ava:  So which Bishop blew up the Waverider?

Bishop: Well, that was me.

Spooner:  Oh No.  Evil Virus Gideon.

Gideon:  That seems a bit harsh.  How about misunderstood Gideon who’s just trying to keep the timeline intact?

Aeroimpetus stabilizers

Bishop just assumes he’s part of the team.

It seems awfully easy for them to just walk onto the manufacturing plant grounds during wartime.  Even with the recruitment fair.

Did Eleanor Roosevelt really make recruitment films like this?

McDougal Jemison

They’re really leaning into the Rosie the riveter arm thing

Still the 1925 credits

Zari Tomaz is heading back to the totem to get things ready for Nate.  And now he’s worried what the ancestors will think of him

Oh right, Nate hadn’t told everytbody about moving in with Zari into the totem

He still doesn’t need the steel helmet

They forgot to break to Gwyn that there’s a second world war gently

Of course Spooner can weld

Sara and Ava are put on assembly, Gideon’s the prettiest so douche boss takes her as secretary

Astra and Spooner are put on janitorial because they aren’t white

O totally get Astra’s growing irritation at the racism


She can draw them a map to the  port o johns outside.  The women don’t have indoor bathrooms

They have to put washers on bolts in an assembly line

Love Spooner’s head wrap

Spooner is the practical one.  Smuggling parts out requires a vessel.

12 hour shifts.  Yuck

Their boss in janitorial is very much the ‘slow progress don’t scare people and ubndo what’s been achieved so far’ point of view while Astra is the young angry energy

The uncle can have Nate kicked out of the totem and the show basically says ‘Rules?  Who knows or cares.’

Ta’arof.  We’re learning about Persian culture, which is awesome.  Bishop is the guest that must be made welcome.

Ava is doing the I love lucy chocolate conveyer bit

Nice comedy bit to underline the danger of getting caught stealing

Good on you Sara for instantly noticing that Astra and Spooner are suffering from racism’

The women of color have built their own secret workshop to fix things.  And Spooner and Astra are allowed access.

You must deny things three times to avoid seeming expectant.

That’s actually a really great description of social manners

Is it possible to make an entire plane in two days?

The injection molder is down

You couldn’t make that part with an injection molder

Having access to Staples office is a good thing for them. 

I totally get why Astra smacks down that asshole.

Sara:  You know, he’s kind of giving me like a creepy John Travolta vibe.

Sara’s right, Staples out of the way makes things way easier.

The boys have made homemade pasta for spaghetti.

It’s true that if you compliment something you have to give it to them.  That’s why they say no envy

Nate:  I love you too, here are some complex carbohydrates.

Gideon being curious about why humans have secrets

They’re forced justy by logistics to improve things in the factory so that they get planes made on time and don’t draw attention to themselves through time.

Step one – getting women an idoor bathroom

Love the ‘improving things’ montage.

This is so totally the plot to 9-5

And here comes the rub.  Forcing change too fast CAN prevent any change at all.  That point of view is not irrational.

I’m disappointed in Abby for quitting over iontegration.  It does make sense in period though.  And nmot all the white women quit.

Astra:  You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back 9 inches, and then pull it out 6 inches and call it progress.  It’s torture.

Female Worker:  What good is change if it doesn’t last?

Both are completely valid points.

Of course they use Rosie the Riveter as a montage song

Gary and Gwyn are strangely charming together

Where are the Legends getting all this food to make lunches, one wonders.

Behrad is such a good dude.  His dedication to ta’arof really sums up his character

Good on Astra for calling Behrad out for using ta’arof as a way to avoid conflict

Not sure I’m up for Behrad and Astra as a couple

Wait, now they have a donut maker?

Bishop is Gluten free.  Sigh.

Love to see Behrad calling Bishop out for being a rude jackass

Bishop made a wacky hat for Gideon to wear to control the time machine but forgot to tell anyone he was making it and thus looked like a lazy jackass.

Staples won’t even look at the minority women as he insults them

This is exactly the ending of 9 to 5

Astra must have had Gideon return the first lady’s phone call.

Astra:  A good guest can make a good host.

Was Eleanor R. clear what was really going on all the time?  It feels like it.

E.R.:  Aren’t we lucky ladies, to have such strong intelligent men in our lives?

Sara and Ava didn’t have much to do in this one, did they

Gwyn:  You dropped a toilet.  On my time machine!  I don’t have to talk to you.

So now Gideon just has to think with the hat on and can navigate.

And now she can understand why humans keep secrets.

Funny that only Zari notices that Gwyn is identical to John with a beard.

Nate refusing three times is a nice cap to that storyline

Manners are usually performative

These two dynamics in opposition are exactly how progress is made against discrimination.

Nice segue to realizing that they’d changed the timeline and alerted evil Gideon

And now Gideon gets to make a precision jump to rescue the team

I really thought they’d rematyerialize with Bishop having taken that bullet with him

Love Bishop rescuing them with the machine gun that was set up as the final piece to get finished on the plane.

And his final sacrifice was actually touching.

Evil Zari and Evil Astra are the two who were killed.  Can they just fix them?  Looks like it.

So evil clones of the Legends are the villain for the remainder of the season.



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