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Notes on Doctor Who: Flux - Survivors of the flux


Flux, survivors of the flux notes

It’s not immediately clear where the Doctor is turning back to herself from an Angel

Is this how all Angels perceive their life when they’re quantum locked?

Aggresively blinking at an Angel is a funny mood.

OK, so they just ‘encased her’ in an Angel form to transport her.  Because they’re kind of dicks and this was the meanest eay to do it.

1904 Mexico.  Dan looks really good in Edwardian era everyman clothes

Professor Jericho is still with them.  That’s really a nice surprise.

Dan, Yaz, and Jericho are searching for a pot.

I like that Yaz has a very modern attitude toward crypt theft

And now there’s an Ood.  And he’s putting her through quantum re-aliognment, which makes sense if she’s been an Angel during transit.

Hey, it’s the woman with the hat. 

Beautiful ceiling.

“You won’t be told, will you?”

“It’s a defining trait.”

She’s arrived back at division

1904 Constantinople

The pot, when deciphered, will tell the date the world is going to end.

What is this task they have.  And why is Earth time still this linear?

Someone is trying to kill them

What ship are they on now?

I love their whole Indiana Jones vibe.

The partial date is December 5th.  That’s the day the finale airs of course.

Funny that they make Dan hide

Attacker has a distinctive wrist tattoo

Dan: Answer the question, or I’ll bite your toes!

I do love a good poison tooth capsule.  Don’t they ever worry about eating with those.

1958 England.  It’s that Downton Abbey guy with the Grand Serpent, shooting game.  That’s a weird combo

He’s going by ‘Prentice’ and claims to specialize in events originating from beyond the earth.  He’s positioning himself to be part of the founding of UNIT

It’s a little sad, I’d always liked to believe it was the Brigadiers idea.

UNIT founder:  An incredible stroke of luck, you being here.

Grand Serpent:  Isn’t it.

Where did Yaz get this instruction hologram from the Doctor?

Love the convention that the Doctor is predicting accurately what Yaz’ responses will be, but they’re being much more open about it that back in Parting of the Ways

So this hologram activated two weeks after Yaz loses contact with the Doctor.

Ew, there’s a disturbing anti-immigration subtext in this that I don’t like at all.

Ripples backward through time from such a big event has a lot of precedent from Doctor Who

The Hologram Doctor: I’m probably worried for you if you’re hearing this.  And I’m sure I miss you.

Yaz: I miss you too.

The Hologram Doctor:  I know you do.  I hope you said ‘I miss you too’, else that bit’s weird.

Professor Jericho is realty taking all of this time displacement terribly well.

Dan’s spent mor time with Yaz at this point then Graham did, hasn’t he

What is the ood pushing much further?  They’re moving in some way and Hat Woman won’t say where they are.

Division has been guiding and shaping events since the Time Lords began, interfering in everything and getting everywhere, recruiting from all dimensions and species

Beautiful image of the space station thing between two realities

2021 Earth

The Lupari shield is starting to degrade and they’re calling the ship Bel stole through autopilot to fill the gap

Just as Bel has found the last life forms in the galaxy

Bel:  That huge monolith doesn’t look foreboding at all.

They hyperjacked her just as she was finding what she was looking for.  And seconds before Vinder showed up there looking for her.  They were so close.

Vinder’s found ‘all the missing’  um, did we know that there were missing and that he was looking for them?  Not really.  Sloppy

Humans are space, the ravagers are time.  We’re both their playthings and their power source.  That’s convenient.  Now they have enough power to reach ‘her’

The Doctor is from Universe one, and the Division is literally in the division between that universe and the next one in the multiverse. Hence the name.  That’s pretty clever.

Conversion plates allow them to exist there.  Did we really need that technobabble explanation, or is that setting up something for the finale

They viewed the Doctor as a virus, and once she was released into the first universe basically said, ‘fuck it, we’re trashing this one and moving next door.’

Tecteun:  I do blame myself a little, but mostly I blame you.

So Division caused the Flux to destroy everything in the universe including the Doctor.

They were afraid of the Doctor because she inspires and gives people hope.

Nice reveal that she’s Tecteun.  It never occurred to me that she’d be evil

1967 England at UNIT headquarters

Nice use of a sound clip from Nick Courtney.  They brought the Brig in after they missed ‘the thing at the Post Office Tower.’  Fun callback

All this UNIT stuff is just jammed full of fun Easter Eggs.

They have the TARDIS which was left in 1967 in that village from last episode.

The General has a device that tells you iof you’re human or alien.

The Grand Serpent really was trying to not have to kill the General and is irritated that he has to.

So the GS can make snakes appear in your throat.  Gross.  And then they just melt right back into him.

The ood is generating the ‘final waves of Flux’.  Ah, so it isn’t finished yet, they stalled to pull the Doctor out so she can’t save it, but didn’t they start it specifically to kill the Doctor inside it?  I guess they changed plans after she hit the Flux with vortex energy and screwed things up

The Doctor raises a lot of good alternate possibilities as to why she was alone at that wormhole

Tecteun makes a direct comparison between her picking up the Doctor and the Doctor picking up companions.  She’s not super wrong.

Vinder, meanwhile, is caught by Passenger forms at the Monolith.  He’s not getting a lot to do in this one other than get put in place for the finale.

The inside of the Passenger form looks nice, actually.  And look, there’s Di!

Ohg right, and Vinder saw her and knows she knows Dan.

1904 Nepal.

They’re doing the literal climb a mountain to talk tio a reclusive guru thing.

Oh right, Jericho studied this kind of thing,. That’s how he knew to look for this guy.

Love how irreverent the guru is.

Hermit: So, what’s the gossip?  From down there.  Who’s kissed who?

Professor Jericho:  Gossip?

Hermit:  I don’t get any up here.  I’ll take anything!

PJ: I mean.. I think the telephone’s been invented…

The whole exchange about not bringing a gift is priceless.

A mischeivious hermit is a lot of fun

‘Fetch.  Your. Dog.’

They’re even doing the Indiana Jones map travelling.

1904 – Great Wall

Why are they only growing beards now

And the message doesn’t actually amount to anything other than being a funny moment.  ‘I don’t have time travel, you idiot.’

They’re working hard to establish that they haven’t sent the final flux wave yet.

The Doctor:  I’m very good at pulling rabbits out of hats.

Ood:  I have no rabbits.

The Doctor:  It’s a metaphor

Ood:  Or hats.

The flux was designed to have the Earth as the focal point of the compression.

And the big Cabin in the woods house appears to be a visual metaphor for the Doctor’s lost memories, which are currently in the chameleon arch

1987, England.  Prentis is still angling for control of UNIT.  What does he actually want out of any of this?

We see the Grand Serpent off two previous UNIT heads so that he’ll feel like a proper threat when confronting Kate

So is the Grand Serpent here just because everything else was destroyed?

And here’s Williamson again.  What the fuck is his deal

So Williamson is just popping around through time and space by going through various doors in his tunnel.  Why did he dig them in the first place

1904 Liverpool

Are the Williamson tunnels a real thing?

Cute, they’re using twine like the labyrinth.

Dan and Yaz have a fun playful banter.

Willliamson warms up after Yaz lays out the situation and he’s like, yeah, I already know that

The watch with the Doctor’s memories was hidden inside the Weeping Angel that was hiding in Claire.

They drop the infor that the next universe over is the other end of the wormhole that the Doctor was found by.  Shades of Odo.

The Doctor is being given the stark choice, her memories and do the wrong thing, or no memories and do the right thing.

2017 London.  This explains why UNIT wasn’t available for Resolution.

Good on Kate for understanding the Grand Serpent and what he’s been doing.

The Grand Serpent can move through time.

Kate threatens the Grand Serpent with calling in the Doctor.

Since he couldn’t suffocate her, the Grand Serpent tries to blow her up.  So Kate goes dark.

Back to 2021.

For time being destroyed, a lot of this really relies on linear time still being a thing.

Karvanista has been a fun character.  All the supporting characters have really benefitted from all the extra space to breathe.

Williamson found a lot of doors to various other places, but they’ve all changed since Halloween.

2021 – The Grand Serpent is lowering all of Earth’s defenses to let thew Sontarans attack.

Again, there’s a disturbing anti-immigrant trace to all this.

And just as the Sontarans attack the lupari and the tunnels, Swarm and Azure have used the Doctor as a bridge to get to Division to take revenge.

I did not expect them to kill Tecteun


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