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Notes on - Legends of Tomorrow: Lowest Common Demoninator


Lowest Common Demoninator notes

Gideon in that hat!  Also, nice reminder that the hat exists for later

Gwyn wants to go back for Bishop’s body.  Makes sense given his backstory

Matt Ryan is really killing it playing a different character

Ava:  Does it still open to the factory?

Nate:  Not unless something terrible happened to that factory.

Why are they being dicks t Gideon about jumping to the mansion?  That was a really good choice

Gideon has a fever?

Gwyn hears Alan’s voice to get him to open the door to hell to allow the plot premise to happen

Sara:  Wow babe.  This is your most complicated murder board yet

Why do none of them notice they hurt Gideon’s feelings?  Except Gary.  What a bunch of jerks

I guess it makes sense that their response would undermine Gideon’s confidence

Why are they not taking advantage of the fact that their Gideon understands exactly how evil Gideon thinks.  Big mistake

The reality show shaky cam starts in the kitchen scene, but they don’t make a big thing of it yet.

Does Behrad see his use of weed as problematic?  That’s a weird note, it’s never been an issue before.

Nate thinks of Behrad as future little brother in law.  And Zari 2.0 is his best bud.  They do have a nice vibe.  I like that they’ve never made it weird about them hooking up

***Thank you.  But I hate that.

Spooner and Astra say it’s hot, I thought that would tie in to Gideon’s fever

I like when Gwyn calls Spooner Esperanza

LOVE the alternate title card?

I like that they’re leaning into Astra having useful knowledge about hell

AAva momentarily considers whether it would be a good idea to let everyone get possessd, and then dismisses the idea.  That’s a funny joke

Is it weird that I really like Zari’s bra?

The credits are in scary font

Astra: Behrad!  Don’t sneak up on people in Hell!

I wish I knew how much of the camera work is direct reference

Tala Ashe is playing Zari Terazi dressed like Zari Tomaz, and it’s really well done.

Why do they think they get a vote if Gideon and Gary hook up

They’re determined to blame Gideon for coming to the mansion as if that was a bad idea.  That is so rude.

They don’t have an actual home, Sara.  Stop being mean to Sara

The cursed crew is a fun idea

So demonic film crew that’s forcing them to act like they’re in a reality show

Harris Leeds.

The demons have to capture ‘something real’  so, subtheme of addressing your real emotions

KUWTT – Keeping up with the Terazis – They recast Behrad on the family’s show.  That’s heartless

They’re providing Sara with wine and jewelry – Honest fangirl says she’s doing Real Housewives.  It seems so random without that context

I like that they’re open about how fake and forced reality TV shows are

Are Nate and Zari big brother?  One of those love island or whtever shows?

Is Gwyn something specific?  It’s frustrating not knowing.

I like that Gwyn hasn’t forgotten about Alan

It’s a little forced how Sara phrased that Gwyn could save one person from the timeline instead of just saying Alan.

The naked thing is a reference to Richard Hatch, right?

Astra is THE BOSS striding through hell.

The receptionist says Demoninator

Astra:  Harris.  Still negging like it’s 2007?

Harris:  It’s called trolling now.

Astra has this all taken care of if Behrad had done the logical thing and trusted her.  Hell is her turf after all.  They’re making him stupider for the sake of the plot, which I’m not a fan  of

Harris is very Jason Lee in Dogma

Behrad, shut up, you’re making this worse

Harris assumes Behrad is a nice guy with dark secrets, but he’s really just a nice guy with no darkness inside him

I was worried Astra would have trouble getting back to the mansion and then Harris just snapped her there.

Gary:  Well I enjoyed every bit of that.  And not just the chocolate, the sex was great too.

Gary’s right, Gideon is just fine as she is, the Legends were just being dicks to her.

Gary said he loved her too soon.  Typical

The confessional chair is Big Brother, right?

Is Gideon dressed like a Robert palmer girl?  Where did she get that dress?

Gideon is actively undermining everybody else, but what does she actual want to accomplish?

All the crash zooms are fun, but I wish I knew what they were a reference to

Gwyn is worried that the rest of the team isn’t focused on helping Alan

Religious gestures are censored.  That’s a cute joke.

B. says he’s chill and doesn’t have trauma and is chill

Natey-H has gone full Jersey Shore

Why is naked Spooner crouched behind a plant?

Spooner acknowledges that none of them really know what they’re competing for or how.

So many people eavesdropping

I’m not a huge fan of Nate’s Jersey accent.  It’s a little too on the nose

I’m sure all this camerawork is a deliberate reference

So now Gwyn wants to save Franz Ferdinand and avert world war 1

Is Sara’s cadencing a direct reference to Real Housewives?

Is Ava a direct reference to something?

It’s pretty on  brand for Spooner to be so enthusiastic about forming alliances and betraying them.

Always great to see Zari 1.0!

Gideon’s going to transport them into a tornado.

Having Gary around to eat things is a useful way to get rid of stuff

This is all pretty funny farce stuff

They’re playing Behrad’s pot use like it’s an addiction that he struggles with, and they’ve never done that before.

So this is the backstory of why Behrad is so chill and relaxed.  That feels like unnecessary explanation.  I liked it better when that’s just who he was

It feels weird to have this ‘Behrad’s been hiding his pain all this time’ vibe.  There’s never been a hint of that

And so Behrad breaking through his fear of being ‘real’ with people is what frees the camera crew.  That’s just… I mean.. .I guess.  But it all feels so out of nowhere.

They’re actung like Behrad has been using pot to suppress all his bad feelings, but even Harris verified that he doesn’t really have any bad feelings.  That’s a mixed message.

For being ‘A moment of real’, this is the most Peter Brady ‘wow, I really learned a lot today’ speech that Behrad has ever given

Was the point of this episode just to get Behrad and Astra together?  What did we accomplish season plot wise?

Gideon had turned off her emotions.  Did we know she could do that?  Amy P. is breaking my heart here

Ava’s concern about being the ‘house mom’ feels kind of out of nowhere also

I do like that they’re essentially making a promise to the viewers that they’ll get to the whole ‘rescuing Alan’ thing

Zari making Nate and Zari apologize to each other is sweet

God Bless them for not having Behrad pretend to have only said what he said because of the spell, but instead instantly owned it as being real.

Behrad refers to himself as being ‘sober’ now, which feels way out of nowhere

Love that Spooner is still totally casual being naked

God bless Gary for insisting that they apologize to Gideon AND including himself as deserving one.  That’s uncommon self care for Gary

Also, great that Gideon calls them out for being total hypocrites about their relationship

Gideon:  It’s nice feeling emotional again.  It’s like a warm and gooey feeling, as opposed to a cold and calculated urge to murder.

Nate:  Say what?

Gideon:  Hah.  Just kidding.  I’m quite funny, actually.

So Gideon wants to go to Sarajevo 1914, save Franz Ferdinand, and prevent World War One.  I wonder how that’s going to work out.


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