Rage against the machines notes
Sarajevo 1914 where we left off.
The proprietor is celebrating all the lives saved by avoiding WWI and appears to be all ‘freedom’ now. That’s much less nuanced, I’m disappointed.
Oh yeah, the Legends don’t know that the evil robots are copies of them.
Very brief title card this week. Good choice.
Of course evil Gideon would realize it was a trap and not stick around. They should have anticipated that.
The evil legends are tasked with killing every time traveler.
Nate: Man, the ego on me.
Zari: I mean, he’s clearly overcompensating.
Gary: No, no, no. He’s really filling our those pants.
Man, tonal whiplash as they just butcher all the wacky comedy time travelers from last episode. That’s upsetting
Oh no, Ava got shot!
In the shoulder. It looked like the chest at first
Nice realization by Sara that Thawne is in danger. Holy shit, I care about Thawne
So Princip did carry out the assassination, so at least history isn’t in danger anymore
Clever of Behrad to notice his gun was going through the mirror
Thawne: I haven’t seen that outfit in ages.
Nice segue between wounded Thawne to wounded Ava. It makes everything feel more threatening
Astra freaked out when Alt-Behrad threatened Gideon
It really feels ominous, like Sara is irretrievably trapped into staying there to keep her word and be Thawne’s replacement
They really cleared out all of the extraeneous characters. That kind of bugs me, but I see why they did it.
Did we know the Gwyn had any medical skills.
Sara doesn’t know that Thawne already fixed the timeline. The script is really muddy on that point. They robo-legends and evil Gideon should really already have sensed that and switched missions to killing the legends again. Another pass at the script could have cleared that up
Gideon dismisses Gideon back to the mansion
Sara employs the popular, lets just skip fighting and actually talk to each other.
Gwyn wants to accompany Sara and be her second to the parley
Alt Nate makes all the extras clear out, underlining how they butchered all the extra time travellers. Because they’re sharing the previous eps location they’re obligated to clear all the extras out for a stripped down story, which is clunky.
Sara still doesn’t know that history has already been fixed. Evil Gideon def. should know that by now, why hasn’t she updated alt Nate?
Sara: Were you programmed to be this annoying, or is that a personal choice?
Man that neck snapping was brutal. And the Arnold Shwarzenegger voice joke really doesn’t fit tonally with what they;’re doing with the incidental music and Gwyn’s panic attack reaction to seeing Sara’s ‘death’ They should have cut it.
Gwyn is very ‘of his time’ offended by the evil Legends not fighting honorably.
Sara’s using Gwyn’s wartime experience to get advice. Nice.
Gwyn just invented guerilla warfare.
Ah, convenient that they had killed the Behrad bot and kept the body so that they had a handy doppelganger opportunity
Clever stowing away part of the team in the mansion so Behrad can bring them on board.
Gwyn’s plan is to draw out the evil legends by creating lots of aberrations for them to have to deal with.
Spooner: Ok, so by aberrations you mean like telling them to put a man on the moon in 1969?
Gwyn: Good God, do we? And what was his crime, I wonder?
Kind of gratuitous for the cliffhange to pretend that the evil legends had heard that the Behrad was fake over the coms and so their plan was foiled. But it was a good commercial break cliffhanger, so what the hell.
Behrad (Pretending to be Evil Robot Behrad): Yeah. I slaughtered those innocent people. Their relatives are definitely mourning them right now.
Only Evil Zari is allowed to interface with Evil Gideon
Would human Behrad have the same biometrics as Evil Robot Behrad?
**** I am going to need a yearlong cleanse after this.
I like that they had to acknowledge that they replaced the toilet.
Zari is kind of stink eyeing Zari 1.0s aesthetic
Gary: Just play dumb. It took the Legends years to realize I was an alien.
Astra is being super extra about squashing Gideon’s attempts to help
Why does gary have a food poisoning potion?
Their initial attemps at anachronisms were all by introducing concepts. So they had to update to introducing anachronistic objects. Which is a good enough excuse for a Billy Bass sight gag, I guess.
Nate, don’t spoil Empire for them
Hasn’t everyone wanted to smash one of those Billy Bass things at some point?
Gary and Spooner are very enthusiastic about competing on kill counts
They do a good job keeping the threat of ‘upgrade’ sinister
Would robots need a power shot? Would creatine even work on a robot? They do have some sort of synthetic component. Maybe they’re flesh computers. Maybe I’m overthinking this.
That power shot looks gross
For that matter can robots get diarhea[MH1] ? Or use the bathroom?
Nice split that it made Astra puke and gave Ava the runs
Just pushing them into Hell isn’t going to kill them. Robo Astra will probably be just fine.
Spooner pretending to be Evil Spooner pretending to be regular Spooner is fun. Of course it fools evil Gary
Good idea of her to plant the seed that if he meets the real Evil Spooner he’ll think she’s the one pretending
OK, Evil Gary blowing up after swallowing grenade wielding evil Spooner was classic
I like that it’s Gary who notices Atsra being mean to Gideon and calls her on it AND understands why
I guess Astra is a little like Gideon’s mom
Mama Bear Astra should not be spoken aloud.
They really have all of the permutations of interacting with evil doppelgangers in place here. Now we get Zari and evil Zari confronting each other directly. Epic. Slap. Fight.
I actually thought for a moment that Gary really waws going to eat them both and spit the real one out. Gross.
Not much Ava in this one, as Jes Macallan was directing
Zari: This! Is for making me wear cargo pants!
Love that Zari solved the problem and won the fight on her own
Was that supposed to be delta? Should there be a delta key? I’m confused/
Great that evil Gideon wasn’t fooled for a second by Zari’s bluff
Hey, they haven’t flown manually in ages
Yay! Evil Gideon offline and the ship safely down! I didn’t even hate the romantic Behrad/Astra kiss
‘Team Ruckus’
I guess this serves as Gwyn’s ‘offical joining the team’ story.
Now just evil Nate and evil Sara left to deal with
Gwyn’s ready to take all the responsibility for the Evil legends still being on their track
Nate assumes that the problem is that Sara is feeling guilty about Thawne’s death, which is reasonable
I don’t blame Sara for not having told the team she has to stay yet, it’s only been half an episode, and they’ve been pretty busy.
They’re still very muddy about Sara knowing that history had already been fixed.
Cheesy, but I enbjoyed the rest of the Legends coming in to have Sara’s back
Brilliant on Astra to get Gideon to impersonate evil Gideon! So obvious, but I didn’t think of it.
So just SchwarzeNate is now guarding the fixed point. Does he even understand what he’s supposed to do? I’m not sure that plan would work. And the resolution feels awfully light after how seriously they’ve been playing the ‘Sara is doomed to stay’ angle.
Aw, Gideon called Astra ‘Mum’
‘killing’ Gideon at that point via the robot Astra is beyond cruel. She better not be dead.
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