Too Legit to Quit notes
Thank you episode for sparing us the wait to find Gideon’s body and starting right in on getting her medical help.
So we begin with Gary caring for Gideon
Again, Gwyn is surprisingly handy with medical help
Such a great conceit for why they’re forced to turn evil Gideon back on
Protocol 276
Clever of Sara to anticipate that Evil Gideon might create more robos
Did Zari make a mistake there or intentionally sabotage surveillance in the lab
Finally we leave Sarajevo, 1914 and go to the temporal zone for the episode
Evil Gideon: What a surprise. A Legends plan that didn’t work.
Evil Gideon: Protocol 276 only applies when the Gideon system is in danger. Wait… who’s the woman in the med bay?
Astra: You.
Evil Gideon: Dammit.
Really clever plotting conceit to keep Gideon from killing them all. Clever all around.
They fixed our Gideon up much faster than I expected.
Nate, why say ‘shut her down’ out loud and put Gideon on alert
Good excuse for why the lab is safe, but still not clear if Zari did it on purpose
Gideon follows the season theme of ‘Let’s just skip fighting and actually talk.
Clever set up of the replicator spell.
They should save one bag of nuts to re-replicate later.
Short title card again. Good, this is overstuffed as it is
Gideon negotiated that Evil Gideon will let them live if they agree to just retire. They’re smart to not trust her.
Nate: Legends don’t retire.
Behrad: Except for Ray. And Nora. And Amaya. And Jax. And Wally.
Gary: And Mona
Astra: Charlie.
Spooner: And Mick
Sara: Oh, and don’t forget the hawk people.
Nate: OK, Legends don’t retire in bulk
Gideon’s trying really hard to find common ground.
Gary is unquestioningly behind his Gideon. They don’t even bother to show him deciding to got to evil Gideon with her
Gary suggests showing them how awesome their futures will be to get them to retire.
Nate conveniently has a time courier, but it’s uncharged.
Why wouldn’t Evil Gideon be able to sense Spooner in the ducts?
I thought for a second that Nate was being nostalgic about having Ray with them to go through the ducts.
Spooner gets in the air duct really awkwardly
Spooner: Oh good, one fart and I’m sucked out into the temporal zone.
Their plan is to open a time portal and blow Evil Gideon up on their way out the door.
I don’t like how this kind of makes our Gideon and Gary adversaries against the rest of the team.
Astra holding up her hair to hide the board is classic
Zari is sad to not have a role to play in the hero plan
Influencer of the Decade. Gross. I hate the thought of such a thing existing.
Zari’s upset that she isn’t wearing the totem in the future.
She’s a cosmetic industry titan in the future.
Spooner will set up a 15 second video loop to hide behind.
She’s lucky there was room enough to turn around in that duct.
Audible lipstick?
I don’t like how Gary isn’t on their side anymore.
Zari’s sad that she isn’t something more noble in the future.
The ducts weren’t this large or clean in Ray’s time.
Behrad has his version of Sesame Street with a super maudlin sounding theme song.
They go out of their way to show us how Behrad really can play the guitar.
They must have put these in a montage to save time because this couldn’t be its own episode on its own.
Astra, a demon who goes into politics. A little on the nose. Very Lilah morgan
How does Gideon not see that not having Alan means gwyn will never be happy.
Greyhound to the moon.
I like that there’s a mix of futures that they love and futures that make them sad. It would have been the easy route to make them all perfect. Also, it sets up the Alan stuff for later.
So is Evil Gideon fabricating these future mementos?
It makes sense that seeing their child would be what gets to Sara and Ava
Is Nate happy or sad about the book?
Nate had already planned to write a book and selected that name
So the dilemma is whether to give in to tempting futures and let time be dictated by a fascist computer, or give them up and stay free. Except they don’t really have time or space to explore that very much.
Why wasn’t Astra pretending to be Spooner the plan all along?
Nice catch on the duct grate
Wouldn’t landing have made a sound.
Spooner and Gwyn both have to leave their friends and live alone if they take the deal. That’s said.
Nice that they remembered that Spooner going back to 1925 would actually correct an anomaly
Why didn’t it occur to them that charging the courier would make a noise.
This honestly feels dangerous for Spooner. Nice sense of menace.
Astra’s willing to kill everybody to save Spooner.
Not only is there nice tension here, but they’re setting up the ending with Gary nicely
Evil Gideon: So… I am prohibited from flushing the tiny one out of the airlock?
Sara correctly calls out Evil Gideon for being a fascist
Our Gideon is misunderstanding what the Legends wanted when they said ‘go home’
Is this episode really Gideon’s story of how she’s brought into line with what Evil Gideon wants?
So now the compromise is that Gideon will be the captain and Evil Gideon will be the AI, and so the Legends can be reassured and will agree to retire and go home. That doesn’t really change that Zari and Gwyn are going to be desperately sad with this plan.
This first half should have been its own episode.
Ava: We are chaotic.
Astra: But chaotic good!
This should have been the end of an episode, them deciding to retire for the good of the timeline (really they’re giving in to their desire to have the futures they were shown.
They’re signing contracts. Can Evil Gideon actually enforce them? I guess having the power to just show up and kill you kind of helps enforce them.
Beebo pinata!
This looks like a super fun party. But why isn’t anyone noticing that Zari and Gwyn are so sad
Astra’s right, do not leave your friends!
This is very Muppets Take Manhattan
Very clever usage of the pocket dimension skeleton keys combined with the replication spell.
Astra is fluent in Spanish.
Astra is kind enough to make sure Gideon has a key for meet ups as well. Aw, sweet mother/daughter moment
Did they plan this because they aren’t sure if they’re being renewed or not? Feels like good setup for a finale.
They’re all giving in to the future plans.
Gary and Gideon are sweet together. ‘You make food taste better’ is the sweetest line
I like that Gary’s going to stay with Gideon.
So I assume Behrad is going back to the 2040s. What qualifies as Astra’s rightful time and place, I wonder. She’s running for pres. In 2040, so are she and Behrad going to be in the same time?
The way they’re talking sounds like no
Have we really had Zari 2.0 for three years already?
It makes sense that Zari Terazi would feel a little overshadowed by Zari Tomaz’ heroics. Zari 2.0 feels like in comparison she doesn’t matter
So Nate still gets to go live in the totem with Zari 1.0 and commutes to present day instead of to the waverider
Has no one thought to ask Gwyn about Alan yet? Not cool.
Alan’s poem to Gwyn is really beautiful
Our Gideon knows them well enough to recognize that they’re planning something
Amy Louise Pemberton is really killing it this season
We’ve gone from Legends v. evil Gideon to tempted by future legends to Gideon the captain and them retiring to the Alan adventure. This would have divided so neatly into two episodes
Ava and Zari’s plan to save Alan is so perfunctory, as is the ‘whoops, there was a charger for the hair dryer all along gag. It would have worked across two episodes, but here is reads as waffling and underplotting
The ceremonial passing of the hair tie. Sweet
Ava: Who knew robots used hair dryers
Zari: Did you see the lift in Robo-Nate’s hair? You can’t 3-D print that.
What does Gwyn think they were doing?
So all of the great tension with Spooner’s near death was for nothing. That’s a victim of combining episodes
Gwyn got convinced awfully quickly and Gideon brought Alan out of nowhere, only telling us about the whole fixed point thing. That would have been great if it had room.
Gwyn and Alan’s reunion is wonderful
Gwyn is starting to realize that ‘Alan’ is a little too perfect to be true
What does scheduling a time to meet even mean with them all in separate time zones? It’s just a setup for the cute gag about their own air time. Gary’s line takes it a little too far though
Gideon being sad to see them go throws into sharp relief how she’s kind of been the antagonist all episode
Very sweet conceit of them all disappearing from the picture one by one. I teared up, I admit it.
Evil Gideon is sulky and pissing on their date night
Evil Gideon is clearly trying to start conflict between them
Gary is being very sweet and supportive about telling Gideon she doesn’t have to make herself less to spare his feelings
Why would Alan’s death be a fixed point? Because of what it did to Gwyn I suspect. Would have been nice to have an episode to explore that.
So… does every fixed point have its own separate guy to kill time interlopers? How many of them are there? They’d have to be infinite, wouldn;’t they?
**** The Legends. They’ll break time before they break his heart.
You can kind of see why Gideon did it. She’s trying so hard to hold everything together.
This is all perfectly understandable, not a gratuitous forced argument. Gary just needs to have a moment alone to process what he’s just found out and feeling.
They’re both letting evil Gideon play them.
How did Gary become the rational heart of this team?
Gary’s enthusiasm for backing up Gideon and supporting her really lays out the sucker punch of Evil Gideon doing to him what she did to robot Ava earlier this season.
So Evil Gideon has what she wanted ands split up human Gideon from all of her friends.
You can see the sadness in Gwyn’s eyes as he talks to Alan because he knows he’s not real.
And that insult of being given a fake Alan is what decides Gwyn to go get the real
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