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Notes on Doom Patrol - Butt Patrol


Butt Patrol notes


2016- Very atmospheric looks like nuclear testing sites

Never heard of ladies who lunch

Nice safety suit

Why keep replacing the eaten manikins?

The butts have broken through the walls.

They’re really doing a great job of building menace out of something so ridiculous

We’re back in present day, I assume

Rita brought snacks to the briefing and made

***”Crisis of infinite ass”


Rita:  Cliff, perhaps you could try swearing a bit less?  You’re averaging a staggering number of fucks per hour.

To prevent the future they’re trying to find ways to change everything

Which means bumping Rita from being leader, which is sad.  She’s trying so hard.  And it means so much to her

Why does Jane spit out the egg salad sandwich?

Poor Rita.  Not a single vote

Why are Larry and Cliff unqualified?

Extra burn asking Rouge to be leader

Cliff has the only potholder

They don’t actually know that Rouge wasn’t involved in the apocalypse

Who did bite Darin?

I remember making an eating ass joke at the time.

Rouge send them all off for a nap so that she and Cliff can sneak off early and fight it on their own

Cliff:  In one hour, right?  I’m going to go watch Rockford Files

It makes sense that Rouge only wants to take cliff who can’t be infected

2017 Ant Farm

Dr. Margaret Yu

Did they name her Doctor Yu to sound like Doctor Who?

Five credits away from a musical theater degree on top of three PhDs

They want Dr. Yu to establish communication with the butts as a means to control them

I really like Dr. Yu

What’s the deal with Vic’s friend Deric?

Vic hacked into the Department of Normalcy to get them access

Keeg isn’t trusting Larry after whatever future Keeg told him.

Larry’s assuming that it’s his fault, but I bet it isn’t

Larry’s no vote hurt Rita most of all.  As it would

That’s a lot of pieces for that bag.  All blank.  No edges

Interesting visual metaphor.  How can you put yourself together when you don’t have any edges to define yourself

Jane and Vic are kind of sweet

Jane feels like everyone abandons her

Cliff on a bike!

Vic found that the bureau has tracked a second zombie butt

1974 Gran Torino

Why would a robot head need a helmet

Cliff:  Save the world, then allow myself to feel again.

Cliff and Rouge

Rouge:  The car.  I … uh.. thought you were using the car as a… metaphor…

The musical degree background proved to be the key to engaging the butts


Glutious Mortricus!

Dr. Yu gave the butts names

General:  The butts have gotten upset with me!

Dr. Yu thinks that the butts can coexist with mankind

Did Doctor Yu really never realize they wanted to use the butts as weapons?  Three days I can have the greatest talent show of all time!

Rita’s obsessed with Larry’s betrayal while he’s obsessed with finding Keeg

Larry’s not wrong about Rita’s leadership style

Ooo, Larry’s lonely because Rita’s been treating him like a stranger since she got back from the past.  She was his oldest friend

And seeing Keeg separate from him and him alone really hit him hard

And Rita only had being team leader.  They both feel like they’ve lost everything

Jane:  We’re supposed to be posing as bureau agents?  You could have least told me to change my fucking shirt.

What is Vic’s idea exactly?

Darren Jones isn’t the only zombie butt

Seeing that future really messed them all up

What does it mean if Kay wants something different for Jane than she wants for herself.

Oh, that interview with Kay is going to be relevant.  Cool

Why is zombie Darren a farmer now

Darren says he can’t eat brains as an agent of normalcy, so he’s growing heirloom tomatoes.

And he wants Cliff to kill him

Cliff:  Fuck you Darren.  I came here to fight you and save the world, not commit some kind of weird ass mercy killing!

Darren:  (In Zombie)  Promise me you’ll make good use of my tomato crop.  They’re ripe and juicy.  Not as delicious as human brains.

The blood spray reminded Rouge of her time making people be weapons

Oh…. He lost his mit.  So the first thing he felt was Darren’s brains, not his grandson.  That’s so sad.

Rouge really is very pragmatic

Agent Wolfman and Perez.  Inside DC jokes

Vic:  You must be… the Butt Hunter.

The Hunter:  You know how this business can be.

Jane:  The… butt hunting business?

The Hunter:  That’s the one.

The last zombie butt is on ice. 

Wired to him in bitcoin.

How did the beard hunter become the butt hunter?

Flit is often useful

2019 – this is during Cyborg Patrol

Doctor Yu saved Nicholas the butt

Cliff can’t bring himself to kill a defenseless zombie butt

Cliff’s monolog about life and death is shockingly touching

So Vic’s going to meet up with friends

Jane’s watching Kay’s video interview

Kay seems to be outgrowing the alters and thinks they all need to find themselves new purposes

Present Day

Doctor Yu is really into musical theater

Isobel Feathers – still missing on the milk carton

Nicholas is still living with Doctor Yu.  That’s kind of sweet


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