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Notes on Doom Patrol: Nostalgia Patrol


Nostalgia Patrol

The port charlotte ripper

Rita appears to have been pity drinking

Kinkaid:  I don’t care that you ran off and married that Japanese sex robot.  I still love you.

***  I really don’t need any shenanigans today.

A very convenient flyer about a retrospective of Rita’s films falls into her hands?  Suspiciously convenient

Jane is trying to figure out what having a new purpose would even mean

The puzzle pieces are different sizes

Wait, there’s an eye.

Shelley’s back!

And giving Jane an orgasm, apparently

What the hell was that

Detroit – Vic is meeting up with his old friends at a pizza place

Vic’s friends just wanted to hang out with him for his powers.  Sad

Very retro restaurant, appropriately

They made a robot as a group.  On the nose

Mr. Invincible.  Is this going to lead to Immortus?  Just guessing

Must be nice for Joivan to not have the makeup

We haven’t seen a lot of Rouge and Larry alone.

They’re all riffing on finding new purpose

Rouge is actually a pretty good leader

And Larry’s right about her need to make amends to the person she hurt the most

Rita’s alone at the film fest.  Sad.

What’s the green fog

Did Rita just get transported into the movie?

It’s nice that the friends are sensitive to Vic’s mom’s death

And also really nice that Vic is in a healthy place about her

Callback to Dead Patrol

Vic:  We stopped a testicle monster.  It was crazy.  Screwing up shipping lanes.  People could get things like wood for their homes

Which one is Deric?

He teaches kids how to build robots.  That’s neat

He can’t count on Vic.  Ouch.

Rita IS in the movie!

Rita:  Oh no.  Oh no, no, no, no.

I love that Rita isn’t even pretending to play along with the script

What’s the purple stuff in the necklace.

OMG, we haven’t seen Cliff to this point?

Nice callback to Flex’ orgasm thing

Larry is being very practical about accepting that they’re all going through stuff

Are we really done with the butts?

The T is for Tea Time!

Aww.  Rouge is making up to Rita by going to support her at the movie festival

Still feels like an obvious trap

Cliff:  Seriously?  Are you going to wait for your fucked up manipulative kid who abandoned your self-flagellating ass?  Or are you going to support your best friend, Rita?

Rouge:  Fuck yeah.  Rita.

Jane:  Rita!

Cliff:  Rita!  Rita!  Rita!

Aww, they all do really care about Rita

Oh yeah, Larry was a big fan of hers before they met

Rita is totally off script and couldn’t care less

Oliver:  Please just do what she wants…. Who’s she?


Rouge:  I think Rita might be… IN… this movie

Cliff:  No shit.

Rouge:  No, I mean… IN the movie.

Cliff:  Does anyone smell Nutella?

Why is Vic’s plotline ALWAYS so separate from everybody else’s?

“The Doom Patrol go to the movies!”  Open with that

Larry says he’s Rita’s best friend.  I’ve missed that.  Of course, then he walks it back

Larry:  Yeah.  Well.  Everyone’s life is devoid of something.

Doctor Janice wants Rita to emote as much as possible?

Peter Capaldi really needs to be in this to say Fuck with Michelle Gomez

Oh, Janus.  Of course.

Emotional Vampire.  Fuck.

Rouge:  Niles Caulder, you selfish, sex-deprived, son of a prick!

Jane:  You can’t not watch Top Gun

Cliff:  Hell yeah, Goose.

Jane:  Hell yeah, Maverick

Deric’s anger at Vic’s betrayal is SUPER forced

Cliff:  I’m sorry for blowing you off earlier.  We can totally talk about orgasms if you want to.

Cliff is right,  Orgasms are the best

Was it really Shelley?

Rita is pleasantly self aware

Oh, the kid isn’t Janus?

Rouge thinks she sent the team to their deaths

I like that the show isn’t letting Rouge off the hook for killing Malcom or hurting innocents

She is just so fucking good

She really loved Rita as a friend

Keeg, what on earth are you doing

Rita was in Barbarella?

Mr. 104?

Oh, yeah.  The necklace is filling up with her emoting

It’s weird  They’re underlying that they really have become a team and loving friends.  Except for Vic who isn’t really a part of things.

So…. Rita’s emoting will provide the power for Immortus to rise?

Cliff:  At least you got to have a fucking orgasm before you died!

Keeg came to save them!

So Rita was drained by the emotional vampire?


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