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Notes on Picard: Imposters


Picard Imposters notes

Old school bridge deck noise!

Beautiful starscape

It’s a dream, so everyone on the bridge is technically an imposter.  Is the implication that Jack is an imposter in some way?

I feel like I should recognize all the alien races

Nice jump cut editing to communicate that this is a dream

‘I know what you really are’… interesting.  Jack himself is a threat somehow.

Nice effect with the red vines on the face

CC says it’s Beverly saying Jack come home

It’s the ‘being repaired after the big battle episode’ episode

Nice exposition about Changelings not being able to mimic internal organs

Love the way Shaw dubs seven when reinstating her

Shaw:  Oh, and as a courtesy, because of the harrowing ordeal that we all survived together, I’m gonna step outside so the three of you can get your bullshit story straight.

We’re definitely in ‘quiet aftermath mode

Nice that Beverly apologized for bringing him into it

Does Picard have the authority to allow Beverly to do autopsies?

I don’t see Jack joining Starfleet

Raffi and Worf have really bonded

Worf is a much more centered fighter these days

Love the Pei Mei way that worf keeps one arm behind his back while she gives it her all

So we’re sure it was changelings that committed the terrorism

‘Find another way’ – another example of indicating one thing while pretending to be another

Raffi:  Can you not put holes in my floor every time you need to make a point?

What has Worf sacrificed for this?

Krinn.  Do we know V’lashi?

No image on file.  Is that a set up?

Interesting that Worf and Raffi are feared instead of in trouble

The Intrepid.  I feel sure that name should mean something

Using a shuttle instead of transporter

Shaw humming cheerfully is delightful

I actually knew all three of those references!

Shaw:  Basically, when it comes to rescues from danger, you two have a real “chicken and egg” thing happening.

Ro Laren!!

Picard is super pissed at her

And asked Seven to hide Jack

How the fuck is Ro allowed back in Star Fleet after her own treason??

And now Jack is an imposter posing as a member of Starfleet

Beverly:  Ensign La Forge, can you please verify for the recording that this corpse is indeed not you

La Forge: (Vomits)

Beverly:  For the record, Ensign La Forge has indicated ‘yes’.

I share Picard’s anger at Ro

The fact that her treason was 30 years ago doesn’t make it all ok

Picard is justifiably pissed at her

Picard’s questions are blunt

Ro says ‘as if I’m an imposter’  Hey, she just nicked her plan instead of slicing across

Why isn’t Ro wearing her earring?

How is Beverly psychically calling to Jack.  And what does ‘Connect us’ mean?

The red effect in Jack’s eyes is cool

Did Jack just kill that guy?  Oh, another hallucination.

This whole episode is about not trusting that things are what you think they are

Shout out to the Doctor’s mobile emitter

It’s a trap pulled on a trap.  Nice

I like the meaty red addition to the changeling goo.  So icky

Medical test results.  Important info sent as an imposter message

Ro was recruited from prison into Starfleet intelligence.  I kind of believe it

Into the holodeck was a clever ploy to get privacy

Ah, he turned safety protocols off because there’s a gun

Ro:  Your Bajoran has improved

Picard: Oh, I have been rehearsing this conversation for thirty years.

The CC translates from Bajoran.  That’s nice

They’re retroactively justifying a really shitty decision by Berman and Bragga to punish her for not doing Deep Space 9

Ro was an inposter as a security agent and is really trying to get help to root out changelings

A Vulcan and a ferengi growing up together on the streets.  Just like Oliver

And now he wants Raffi and Worf to fight to the death while his guys bet on it

They keep teasing that Worf has sacrificed much for this mission

I really bought that they were going to kill Worf here

Those two gold shoulders must be changelings.  They’re searching and chittering

Plans for Frontier day?  OK, so there’s the ticking clock

Shoutout to Janeway.  No idea on Chancellor Roll

This reminds me of that TNG season one episode

Worf is making being seriously wounded funny

I know I’m supposed to recognize Daystrom Station

Ro:  All these years, I wish you’d known me.  And that I’d known you.

Nice payoff to the mention of her earring

Didn’t she just risk the lives of everybody she just beamed over to that ship?

OK, Jack can tap into John Wick level fight choreography.

What the hell is behind the red door??

So Ro sent all of her investigation results on a jump drive earring

So is the implication that Ro was Worf’s handler?

Did Beverly do something to conceive Jack?  Is he an augment?



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