Field of Fire notes
Opening with a party in honor of a character we’ve never met
before. You can count his expected life
span in minutes
Bashir: He’s very
particular about anybody seeing him in his coonskin cap.
It totally seems like Bashir and O’Brien are having sex in
the holosuite
Drunk Starfleet officers are rare
It feels like they toyed with having Ezri accused of the
murder, being the last person to see him
Ilario: You know Lieutenant,
you’re very beautiful.
Ezri: And you are
very drunk.
‘Hot’ always seems like an imprecise request for a beverage
Yup. Predictably, he’s
now dead
Oh yeah, Projectile
weapons aren’t a thing anymore
Convenient that Sisko had heard of the TR116 rifle and
remembered it off the top of his head
This is about 3D printed guns
It’s weird that they don’t even handwave to Ezri being
Fun that they had to find a way for Odo to know about powder
burns just so that they can establish that there’s a mystery about the bullet
Ilario looked up to Bashir and O’Brien
And now our reminder that one of Dax’ hosts was a murderer
Odo: I’m sorry Lieutenant. There’s nothing more annoying than a corpse
with a mind of its own.
Why does Ezri dream that the murderer of Ilario was Ilario?
Love the Nightmare on Elm Street atmosphere of the dream
The rite of emergence
*** I don’t want your
Maybe not, but you need it.
Greta Venderweg
Subtle, the way they establish the framed picture without drawing
too much attention to it
Why a rifle if killing at close range
O’Brien: “Hmm. Maybe I’ll start calling my tricorder ‘Sally’
Nice how Bashir’s tall tale suggested the answer to O’brien
as to how the shooting happened.
Skillful scripting
Exri: Well, what do
you think?
Odo: Nice melon.
The transporter tech added to the rifle is kind of genius. Very cool idea
Very atmospheric in the empty dark promenade
Worf is worried about Dax.
That’s sweet
Worf: I am certain
you will do whatever is necessary to complete your task
Ezri: How do you know that?
Worf: You are Dax. It
is your way.
It’s not unlike a multi Doctor story really
The face in the mirror changing is a nice conceit
I don’t remember anything about the previous Joran episodes
Joran is going full Hannibal Lector ‘I want to corrupt you’
I’m not crazy about Joran’s pajamas
There’s something very unnerving about a gun that can shoot
you from far away through many walls
The zooming through walls effect looks very cool
Joran is pushing her to be creepier and more intrusive
Ezri’s looking kind of badass with the eyepiece.
Now they’re psychoanalyzing the killer. It is very Silence of the Lambs
There’s never any question that Ezri would pull the
Never trust that a weapon isn’t loaded.
Maybe I should have watched the Joran episode in prep?
It’s interesting how they’re using the established Trill
ability to channel old lives to facilitate the old ‘Ezri’s the only one who can
see him’ setup
‘What does he do, this man you seek.
The GIF pictures are fun
How do they know that the victims weren’t chosen at random?
Ezri’s afraid to let herself identify too much with the
killed because she’s scared of turning into Joran. That makes sense given that half of her still
is him
Feels out of character that she’d be willing to stab the
ensign. Chalk it up to Joran’s influence
being out of his box
The guy collects weapons.
That feels very real
Makes sense that Ezri would immediately turn to expelling
Joran after the knife incident
If Odo hadn’t interrupted
A wife and co-husband
Joran: How could
anyone be so happy with such unattractive children?
Nice clue to reveal that it’s the pictures of happiness that’s
triggering the killer
She’s really jumping to a lot of conclusions that it’s a
Vulcan and that he’s had trauma recently.
That’s clearly not the only possible explanation.
Convenient that the Vulcan didn’t stand in Joran
How does Joran ‘just know’ that elevator Vulcan is the
killer. They’re running short on time
Where did we hear about the Grisson before
There isn’t room for bullets in that clip
Chilling that we zoom in on Chu’lak preparing to shoot Ezri. Very rear window
Would Ezri be justified in killing Chu’lak in this circumstance?
Joran really seems disappointed that Ezri didn’t kill Chu’lak
This is a big step forward for Ezri making peace with her
new existence as Dax
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