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Notes on - Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder


Wild Blue Yonder notes

Disney Plus doesn’t capitalize TARDIS correctly.  Irritating.

England 1666

Isaac Newton is hot

There’s the first apple.

Didn’t the 4th Doctor claim to have been here at one point?

Is the TARDIS always going to swoop in to land like this now?

Donna:  Don’t worry.  He has a time machine.  Which means he can blame me for all eternity.

**** Odds Bodkins!

Depending on the time of year, Peter Davison might well be fighting Terrelaptils at this exact moment.

Surely other guys have held apples that year

Donna:  Have you got the controls set to ‘famous’, or what?

The Doctor:  If I had controls.


The clinking flickering bulb really sets the atmosphere

Why is the TARDIS playing a sound cue anyway?

Donna:  Is it bad?

The Doctor:  Oh.  It was brand new.

Wilf is right, it is a war song

So they just have to wait for the TARDIS to fix itself.  Nice way to sideline the sonic screwdriver.

I LOVE not knowing whats going to happen.

I love David Tennants tie

I caught that she said Mavity the first time.  Very proud

Donna:  Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?

The Doctor:  He was, wasn’t he.  He was so hot.

The TARDIS shaped dent in the wall is cool.

Good on the Doctor for realizing he needed to stop the argument about blame.  They’re such good friends

I like the Doctors hair pushed forward like that

Ah, the HADS.  So, they need to solve the problem before it will come back and they can leave.  Nice framing device

The hallway looks so cool


Donna: I thought you knew 27 million languages

The Doctor: I know 57 billion, two hundred and five.  But not this one.  Unless that was Mr. Fenslaw saying his name? 

Donna:  It wasn’t that

The Doctor: It wasn’t that.

Where did they film this?  Is that all green screen?

I like Jimbo the robot

It’s nice the way they’ve weathered the robot

The robot is walking very slowly down a very long hallway.

Fun hovercar

We still don’t have the slightest clue where this is going, and I love it.

These sets are amazing

A chair does indeed indicate that they have butts.  That’s a fun deduction

No life signs at all on the entire ship

Someone opened an airlock door three years earlier.

The drone sequence is so much neater than just looking out the window

Cool spaceship exterior too

Mavity well

Should the Doctor really be affected by the change of the word?  Is that going to end up meaning something.

I like that they at least acknowledge that there isn’t really such a thing as an edge of the universe.  Usually sci-fi just ignores that

Camboolian Flat Mathematics.  OK

The edge of creation looks much cooler than it did back in the Underworld

David leaning against the glass is a very cool visual

What made the big metal clang?  It couldn’t be settling


The Doctor pretending to be affected by the goo is so delightfully corny

Good on Donna for not forgetting that they know that there’s hostile action here


The Doctor:  Can you still here me?

Donna:  No.

The Doctor:  Good good.  Won’t be long.

The mimic Doctor really does look compassionate

Orange room and blue room

Subtle how they work in that it gets cold before the creatures appear

Donna’s description of how her family would respond if she never returns is touching

It takes a minute to track that they’re both in different places.  I thought it was time jumping at first

The Doctor and Donna are both feeling quite poetic while they do repair work talking about what happens when time keeps passing

My arms are too long.

The penny is finally dropping that something is going on

Of course The Doctor is in shouting distance

Not-The-Doctor:  The notion of shape is strange.

Not-Donna:  It limits.  It’s very limiting

The knees thing is creepy

They came from the nothing

Get in the cart and get the hell away from them

Huge Doctor hand!!

This is so creepy. Yet so simple

They outgrew the corridor.  That’s cool

Donna’s the one who figures out that the door opening three years ago was how they got in.

Good on them for acknowledging the mass issue.

The Doctor’s instinct is to make peace with them.  That’s nice and in character

Why do the walls rearrange with every countdown word?

Nice way to separate them though

It’s the classic sci-fi ‘how do we know who’s real when there are duplicates’ dilemma

The Doctor does tell Donna when he doesn’t know

Good thought ditching the tie to compare to future copies

They’re really running through all the options on how to test for being real

Timeless Child reference!  Good on them

The Doctor has had a lot more than 15 years since he saw Donna

This is such an interestingly different version of Tennant’s Doctor

Half the universe was destroyed by the Flux.  That seems faiur

Fake Donna really had him before she gooed out

They’re beings from the void outside the universe and have jealously watched the people that got to exist

Donna:  I was born in Southampton, ‘cause my mum and dad were there for the weekend visiting my Auntie Iris.  My mother was nine months pregnant.  Would Iris come to her?  She would not. So, I arrived in Southampton, which allowed my mother to say I was a problem form the day I was born.  And I’ve not come to the edge of the universe to discover I’m still dealing with that.

Fake Doctor forgot that things still exist when you discard them.  He doesn’t have object permanence

Donna’s not nearly as emotionally vulnerable anymore.

I really love the slow countdown

And now all four of them are together.

They’re all focused on proving that they aren’t the copies.

Donna doesn’t think she’s stupid.

Donna believes both that she’s stupid and that she’s brilliant

The salt line has Doctor Who precedent

It didn’t get cold this time

They’re trying to get completeluy acclimatized so that the TARDIS will come back and get them

Not-The-Doctor: We drifted here.  In the lack of light.  Passing no-time.  But we would feel it.  From so far away.  Your noisy, boiling universe.  We want to travel there.  To play your vicious games, and win.

It’s implied that the blood lust and hate of living people in the universe have made them like this

Again, a plexiglass divider

Donna’s focused on practical questions as always

If we’re slow they can’t read us

They’re using the Doctor’s weakness to think and be fast against him to feed themselves

I love that the captain isn’t humanoid

The Doctor said Gravity and then corrected to Mavity.  What’s the point of that?

There is an advantage to being able to read your own face

The airlock door was the captain leaving to keep them from finding out what she knew

Figuring out what’s happening is aiding the creatures

Oh, the reconfiguring walls are turning it into a bomb

A very slow bomb

Very clever that they had him translate the numbers but not say them out loud

Three years to walk very slowly down a very long hallway

Splitting them up for Doctor on Doctor and Donna on Donna action

Big friendly red button!

So the Doctor just has to let him win and then the hostile action is over and the TARDIS returns

The Doctor got the wrong Donna because she couldn’t explain why Mrs. Bean is funny

That feels real

I really thought they might kill her here

This script is SO tight.  There isn’t a wasted beat

When did the Doctor realize it wasn’t Donna?  Did he really get it wrong?

Shock feels like an appropriate reaction

What’s going to happen because of the thing with the salt?  This all feels like build up to the toymaker.  Like Mavity.

Donna won’t let him avoid the question

I love the way Donna asks ‘You Ok?’


Save us from what?  What’s happened in those two days?

Airplane crash!

No explanation of why they included Isaac Newton, or mavity.


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