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Notes on - Doctor Who: Space Babies


Space Babies notes


We start exactly where we left off, minus Mrs. Flood

Like the new roundel color scheme

They’re tackling the whole ‘Doctor’ thing right off

Rani mention.  Stoking the flood fires

Good on Ruby for liking the jukebox

They’re really setting the table for newcomers.  Gallifrey lore covered.

He can talk about the time lords being dead without the pain now

Really embracing the timeless child stuff.  Good on them

I’d be excited going to see dinosaurs too

The Doctor:  Who steps on butterflies?  You’d literally have to be like ‘Come ‘ere butterfly!  Have it!’

Beautiful shot of dinos

They’re in Wyoming.   Nice.

Aren’t companions typically immune from changes to the time stream?  Ah well, she’s new.

Rubathon Blue.  57th hemisphere hatching.  RTD does love the number 57

Did he just make that butterfly regenerate?

‘Butterfly compensation switch

The year 21506

The station looks pleasantly organic

I don’t like the way the TARDIS slides into things now

Did he just say Star Trek is real?

The Doctor:  It’s broken.  Most of the universe is knackered, babes

Setting up that it stinks nicely

It is out of character for the Doctor to run that quickly.  A little’

I like the pneumatic lift

Setting up ‘push the button’

Baby farm

The Doctor: What is it with you and babies?

Ruby: I was going to say the same thing to you.

*** I’m not saying things are connected, and yet things connect

A baby farm makes sense

The Doctor: Sometimes a world is sterile.  Or goes mad and bans kissing.

Funny that Ruby assumed they were to be eaten

A lot of the is just End of the World again

Covering that the time lords are gone

Ruby:  How do you keep going on?

The Doctor:  For days like this.

Better through your eyes, big space window, last of the timelords.  This is all End of the World

Cool that the Doctor can turn off the autotranslate

Even the same ‘my mum is long gone’, ‘let me fix your phone to call her at home’  This is all feeling repetitive

The babies are kind of in star trek colors

How can these babies talk?

I like all the jury rigged strings to make things go

Captain Poppy has never had a hug.  That’s so sad

The pattern of lights on the planet is cool

The adults just left the baby maker running and left.  That doesn’t really explain why the crew babies haven’t aged but can talk.  Maybe they need to flip an ‘aging’ switch

Captain Poppy:  Did we grow up wrong?

The Doctor:  Oh Poppy.  Oh, Popsicle.  Look at me.  Nobody grows up ‘wrong’

Lots of mentions of the timeless child.  He’s underlining it

LOVE his speech to captain poppy about everyone being special


The automated nose blowing is delightfully goofy

The Bogeyman

Why is the Doctor enjoying scaring the babies?

Portal 3-5-7

They’re building up the mystery about how things connect to Ruby.  Welcome back, mystery box season theme

Why is it snowing?  The Doctor brought snow with him out of the flashback

I like how huggy this Doctor is

Nan-E is a real person

There’s a company whose actions are appalliPoppy has a ng.  Russel is back

It’s illegal lts illegal to stop the birth machine but the babies are abandoned as soon as they’re born.  Not terribly subtle

Jocelynne was an onsite accountant

Ruby:  So the planet down there refuse to stop the babies being born, but once they’re born they don’t look after them.

Jocelynne is hiding because she’s ashamed

There’s a refugee planet, but you have to go to them. 

Again, not subtle.

Ruby’s the one who notices that the setup is a children’s story

Eric is being brave.  Awww.

Baby in danger!

The translating to waste products is a good gag

It’s kind of Aliens now

‘illegitimate person’

Poppy has a flame thrower

No expletive dinner


The bogeyman just came into existence six years ago, the same time the babies were born

The machine grew the bogey,man at the same point that it grew the babies because the teaching software got screwed up and it thought they needed a monster like a story

Snot monster!

The sonic screwdriver fixed the systems

It’s a nice twist that they’re fighting to save the snot monster

And the babies are on the snot monster’s side.  Awww

The Doctor can’t bear to let a unique creature die

They’re laying that on a bit thick

The airlock effects are nicely done

And Ruby forgives Jocelyn.  Which is sweet.

They all howl together.  Awwwwwwwww

The buildup of pressure is a pile of poop

They still can’t steer though, right?

And even the presentation of the TARDIS key ceremony.  Still on Susan’s black ribbon

The Doctor:  No job.  No boss.  Just fun.

Ruby:  We did almost die.

The Doctor: Yes, but we lived so much too

And we close by leaning back into the ‘who is Ruby Sunday’ mystery.  Going to the church is forbidden.  SO that’s absolutely going to happen at some stage

Warning about a possible paradox.  Expect that in 7 episodes then.

See, it’s so much better when the TARDIS just appears

The Doctor keeps damaging her ceiling

I don’t love the easter coloring



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