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Notes on - Billions: YumTime


YumTime notes

We start with a bunch of publishing awards for a guy who’s currently railing a prospective author.

OK, I guess we’re starting with a sex montage. Bryan is hooking up too

OK, the publisher is sleeping with the woman that Lara threatened and she’s wrote a book that will look bad for Axe

Scrumpet.  Love the fake hostess names

Ben Kim grew up in Queens after moving from Korea at 9 and speaks Korean

It feels like Axe is keeping Ben Kim close as a protégé

Axe:  Here’s something they didn’t teach you at Standford.  Whenever you can, put a company in your mouth.

The fake Twinkies aren’t as good as they used to be.  Also true in real life

Right, Bryan nis hooking up with the lawyer from the other district

The East District arrested a guy who oworks for Decker and will flip which will undercut the SDNY’s case

People who don’t pick up their dog’s poop are the worst

Chuck:  Let it slide.  That sounds simple.  Easy. Sure, let it slide.  That’s just some dog shit. But those are three devious little words.  You know, if… if I let your dog shit slide, then I have to be OK with this whole plaza filling up with it, which it would.  Before we know it.  Oh, and then it would be on our pant legs and our shoes, and we would track it into our homes.  And then our homes would smell like shit, too.  It’d be easy to let it slide. You know, why don’t we, uh, why don’t we let petty larceny slide too? Some kid steals five bucks from a newsstand? Who cares? Well, maybe next time he decides to steal your TV. Or break into your brownstone and steal your fucking wife. But what difference does it make? Because by then we’re all living in shit anyway.

Dog Walker: Come on man.  I don’t have a bag.

Chuck: You have hands.

Spyros screwed them over by giving info to East District

I really hope they play the theme music constantly in the YumTime offices.  Everyone must be insane.

Axe owns a 4.9 stake in YumTime.  Why is that bad and why does Axe care about this?

Now he’s buying snack cakes for everybody at the firm

Wags’ therapy sessions with Wendy must be the stuff of legends

She’s taking his insistence on talking about ass to mouth so nonchalantly

Wags of the week – But… I’ve learned this.  And it’s one of the positives of getting older.  It’s better to accept who I am than fight it.

Wags’ wants to be accepted for all of his filth

Good on Wendy for calling him out on the power dynamics

Maria Saldana

Wags feels outplayed by Maria

Donnie Caan.  Which one is he

Wags is going to make an example of Maria.  Yeah, this is just sexism

Not a subtle metaphor for screwing over a woman  at work

June does not want Lara to hear about the publishing of her memoir.  This is what Lara was threatening her over

Lara has the connections to get an advance copy of June’s book

I wish I understood the finance stuff.

***‘We are not uncertain.’

What is Axe setting up Donnie Caan for?

Do District Attorneys really trade cases like this?

Chuck is trying to get his link to Axe case back from the other district

Kate can really read a room

Pete Decker

She knows Terri and Bryan are hooking up, just at a glance

Axe and Wags are meeting with the YumTime board

Wags is very comfortable delivering not entirely indirect threats

YumTIme profits have decreased while executive compensation has increased 300%.  Sure glad the real world doesn’t work like that

Hutch Baily III is a moron who’s milking his family company.

Purk is like a father to Hutch III, so he’ll block ousting Hutch III

Charles Sr. is screwing one of the YumTime board members

AH.  THAT’s why Axe cares about YumTime – it’s to get to Charles Sr.  That was the missing piece.

Charles Sr. was a board member for YumTime and gave his seat to this woman

Charles wants Purk to block the ouster of Hutch III

Charles Sr. Uses Viagra

Shari is Lara’s chef sister who cooks fancy stuff

Lu:  I didn’t know Axe was a doctor.

Lara: A what?

Lu: Stanford.

Lara.  Oh, the honorary.  Yeah, we made a pretty big gift.

And now Lara has confirmed that a chapter in the book is damaging to Axe.  What could it be


I kind of appreciate Chuck using the microbial cell metaphor to prep Lonnie for getting thrown under the bus in order to get the Decker case back in house.

Lonnie:  So, what.  I’m just supposed to bend over and take it?

Chuck:  I’ll send over a vat of ass lube.

Lonnie:  Chuck, what’s the difference between ass lube and regular lube?

Chuck:  Viscosity.

Who’s Wendy’s ER friend?

Wendy’s explaining why she loves her job but her friend calls her out for having a dilemma

Ah, Wendy is deciding whether to warn the female trader about Wags’ intent

Wendy’s thinking about  leaving Axe

Axe: Do you want to try him?

Wags:  I can’t do that.  He’s folksy.

Axe: So?

Wags: I’ve tried with folksy people.  They find me to be a rapacious scumbag

Axe: I’m sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think it’s just the folksy people

Wags: How about you?

Axe: You’re my rapacious scumbag.

Wags: This is what love is.

Statue of liberty bombing attempt is Lonnie’s case that Chuck is trading away

Ah, Ari Spyros.  He’s being forced on Chuck in order to keep the lead to getting Axe

And now Bryan gets to pick up Decker with his lady friend

So the manuscript is indeed damaging to Axe

Lara is going to crush June socially until she agrees to change the manuscript

Spyros:  That’s what I like to call the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Chuck:  No, you don’t like to call it that, that’s what it’s called.

Chuck’s lying to Decker to get him to participate

Decker doesn’t bite

Bryan confessing that Spyros’ cologne is a lot is very funny


Why is Axe pushing the pizza place on this random guy? Oh, it’s about the importance of ingredients

They keep pushing the whole ‘Axe grew up poor’ theme

Ah, he’s shaking him down about YumTime changing the Scrumpet recipe.

Oh, this is Purk.

Now June is being iced out at the golf club

The board is acknowledging that the new recipes aren’t as good

 Hutch III: My father is turning in his grave, I assure you.

Purk: Your father thought you were a lunkhead.

And there was Axe’s long game.  Getting Charles’ mistress kicked off the board and taking her place.

Does Axe actually care about the Scrumpet?  I think he actually does.

Wendy’s trying to get Maria to leave Axe so she doesn’t have to betray Wags’ confidence and warn her.

Wendy is trying to psychiatrist Maria into leaving

Poor June. Now Lara got her kid’s Stanford admittance revoked. Man, Lara plays dirty

Is Axe really just trying to show Chuck how far his reach is?

Was this really all a warning to Chuck

The first hint that Chuck wants to be Governor next

Wendy was successful in getting Maria to leave.  She resolved her dilemma

Will Wags really miss Maria?

Decker’s parents are involved in his dirty trades.  They’re innocent, but Chuck is going to screw them over to put pressure on Decker

Kate is VERY intuitive

June was forced to go grovel for Lara and remove the damaging material from her book

Lara already had the nondisclosure at hand for her to sign

And now June’s son gets to go to Stanford again.

And now back to BDSM

There’s something endearing about watching Wendy be a supportive wife while in dungeon gear

Ah, parallel.  Axe went after his parent, he’s going after Decker’s

Axe: Read a couple chapters.  We’re at a good part.

Lara: Fun.

Axe: That Delores Umbridge sure is a bitch.

Wendy’s investing with Maria’s new place to assuage her conscience.

Chuck isn’t up for SM play anymore.  TV and ice cream instead

Man, bringing the whole team to arrest Decker’s parents in front of his kid’s ball game is cold.

Chuck:  Right and wrong.  That’s a funny line, isn’t it?

The guy has a lot of poop bags now.






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