A Woman’s place is in the war effort! notes Did they deliberately design the streaking up dematerializtion effect to set this up? ***Hey. Wasn’t there a person on that toilet? The Marco Polo distraction was cute. I was forgetting that they had the magic key The ladies outhouse. Oh, that sets up the indoor women’s room later, doesn’t it. Bishop: There is a soon to be bad Bishop, who’s actually a replacement, robot, clone of me, but I’m the good Bishop. Ava: So which Bishop blew up the Waverider? Bishop: Well, that was me. Spooner: Oh No. Evil Virus Gideon. Gideon: That seems a bit harsh. How about misunderstood Gideon who’s just trying to keep the timeline intact? Aeroimpetus stabilizers Bishop just assumes he’s part of the team. It seems awfully easy for them to just walk onto the manufacturing plant grounds during wartime. Even with the recruitment fair. Did Eleanor Roosevelt really m...
Hi, I'm Mikey. I review TV for Douxreviews.com. What follows are the notes I take of any given episode of television, on the off chance that they'll be of any interest to anybody at some point. The following will absolutely contain typos, misspellings, and lots of inadvertent homonyms. They were typed on the fly while TV was happening. So, in case you ever read one of my reviews and wondered - here's what Mikey was thinking...